Is this clone any good ?


New member
To FEG and/or FN Hi power owners- How does the Feg Hi power clone compare to the "real thing" ? Do the parts interchange ? Lastly, what's a good price for the clone ?

Thanks everyone !
Most FN owners will strongly disagree,but i think that FEG makes a fine copy of the Hi-Power.I don't know about a complete interchange of parts as i've never tried it.A good going rate for a FEG clone should be no more than $215 to $225.00.
They are rough, with lots of tool marks and such. But mine is remarkably accurate and reliable. I consider them to be a real bargain.
There's been some confusion on FEG clones. FEG makes several models that look like the BHP (including one SA/DA model!) that are not clones.

AFAIK, the model PJK-9HP is the only real clone of the BHP.

I have heard mixed messages from others on whether all parts will interchange. But I know from first-hand experience that the following parts interchange:

-Extractor spring
-Firing pin

And I'm nearly positive that the recoil spring and guide rod will interchange. Should be easy to determine if the slide will interchange.

So that leaves the trigger and hammer assemblies, and they look mighty similar.

Mine is a good shooter, similar to Hermit I guess.
I'm not sure if FEG still uses the model number of PJK-9HP for its latest clone of the Hi-Power; but this gun looks externally identical to a Hi-Power; but has a different 3-lug barrel lock up (so barrels will not interchange).

Other than that, I think the FEG is an excellent value, although I prefer the BHP myself - but at $200-250, the FEG is tough to beat.
It's good.
The only problem I've had with the gun are magazines that don't like Winchester FMJ ammunition. It's about a milimeter too long.
I own 3 FEG handguns (FP-9 hp clone,smc-22,P9RZ)and none of mine have machine marks that i haven't seen on any other steel, milled gun or anything rough other than the "gritty"trigger on my FP-9.All have an excellent finish and are well put together.
My FEG is excellent. It is now because I removed that pesky mag safety. Now the trigger pull is consistent and about 1000% less gritty than it was from the factory.

Plus add to mine what Trop Z said.
The only true clone is the PJK-9HP, and that is no longer produced. The currently imported guns are significantly different internally, and very few parts will interchance. The magazine is the same, that may be the extent of it. :) FWIW, I have one of the 9HP models, and it's a fine shooter. While I'd rather have a real Browning HP, this one cost $219, and has a very nice blue finish, and the price was right.
Dave R said:
AFAIK, the model PJK-9HP is the only real clone of the BHP.

I have heard mixed messages from others on whether all parts will interchange. But I know from first-hand experience that the following parts interchange:

-Extractor spring
-Firing pin

I have the PJK-9HP and have also interchanged:
-Trigger spring
-Recoil spring

It's my favorite shooter.