Is this a good deal


New member
I have the option of an even trade Ruger KGP-141 - 357 for a blackhalk 71/2" in 44 mag. I have been looking to sell the 357 for an investment into a 480 or a 454C for the purposes of HG hunting.

Both are in mint conditon.

Are the two comparable- the MSRP is in "His" favor as mine is $5 more.

Any help?
The 44 mag is no 454 casull. And the 480 is somewhere in between I think.

So make sure the round is what you want first.

Then figure out if you will be happy with the single action because ruger offers 454 adn 480 in the super redhawk only I think.

If it does the job the trade value more than likely is more than what you will get selling yours or trading it in.

But if the super blackhawk will not do the job, it is not a deal because you still will be unhappy.
As usual! It depends.

In terms of most to least power its 454, 480, then the 44. But what are you going to be hunting? Deer, elk, bear? The recoil on the 454 is just plain fierce and the cost of ammo is likewise. I've fired both a Ruger and a Freedom arms and the recoil is formidable in each. The 480 has markedly less recoil (INMHO) but the cost of ammo is still up there. The 44 has the least (of the three) recoil and ammo is the least expensive and, in my personal experience, the most commonly available. I've taken both elk and deer with a 44 mag and for me it has been more than adeguate for the purpose. Biere raises an important question of your feelings about single vs double action revolvers. He's right that Ruger offers the 454 and the 480 only in the SRH and that's a double action. So, as I said, it depends. Good shooting
What daisycreek says about recoil. Suggest you try some guns in those calibers and decide what you can handle comfortably.
Dairycreek <> Daisycreek.

I love shooting the 44Mag SuperRedHawk.

This is a financial question only, I have some time to test fire before I trade. Is it a good deal?
It's a dead even trade, providing they're both in good condition.
My blackhawk 4 5/8 .41 mag has no problem with deer to 50+ yards. If by HG you mean hogs, then .44 is ok as long as you don't run into the biggest hog in the woods.
They're armor plated...