Is this a good buy ?



I've asked before and you guys gave me some good advice. Yet another consideration for first rifle.

My needs (in order of importance)

1. reliability

2. easy to clean/maintain

3. reasonably accurate and cheap for plinking

4. decent round for home defense

Ruger mini 14 is out of the question, as are all "over ten round" guns. So, you experienced folk, is this rifle a good choice ? Is it reasonably priced ?
Responses in order of your priorities:

1. Kalashnikov actions are one of the most reliable small arms designs. Ensure it is consistent with the original designs, especially the triple-interwoven springs.
Determine if it has a hard-chromed chamber and barrel, as much of the lower priced ammo in that caliber is made with lacquered steel cases.

2. It is easy to clean, not that it requires it to any significant degree, except ensuring no obstructions in the barrel or large debris in the lower receiver.

3. You should be able to consistently keep it in a paper-plate sized target at 100-yds, depending on ammo and the relative degree of precision built-in by the manufacturer.

4. Neither the weapon or cartridge are suitable for interior home defense, unless that is all that you have, in which case it'll just have to do.

5. It's reasonably priced - however you could also get an SKS for about the same or less money. Their accuracy tends to be much better than their AK-series successors. It is good as a plinker and fun gun, but if home defense is the primary function - reconsider a shotgun.
AK's are probably the most reliable semi-autos out there; they can take much abuse and still function without a hitch. This new variant may only take single stack mags that are post-ban (10 rnd. max). Get it !!!

How about this ? Mykl, you suggested the SKS as an alternative, how would this gun compare to the above mentioned carbine ? Are the Romanian ones any good ? Thanks again for your advice.
The AK's are definitely one of the most reliable semi-autos ever made. Famous for reliability, not so much for craftsmanship.

It's really a tossup between the Saiga and the SKS. However, I would take the SKS. Those mags for the Saiga can be hard to find at times, the SKS uses strippers.
Both are 10 rounds.
SKS is just as reliable.

You usually get a bit better accuracy out of an SKS (nothing to write home about though).

The SKS is excellent for what it was designed to do, an intermediate range fighting weapon.