Is There Such A Holster?

I was at Bass Pro a couple of weeks back and was talking to one of the gun salesmen. He proceeded to tell me there was a holster out there that was able to turn on a tac light or laser as it was upholstered and turn the light off when holstered. I've been looking around for a couple of weeks on the Internet and really haven't had any luck.
Awesome. I'm assuming you have to get the light and holster from Viridian?

My only hans on experience with this set up was a buddy showing me his while on a business trip.

My recollection was it was driven by magnets in the holster. When the light was up against the magnets, the light was off. When you draw the gun the contact with the magnets was broken and the light came on.

He had installed magnets in a Kydex holster of his own.
I think I'd rather have control over when that light comes on. Drawing your weapon in a dark room with that flashlight automatically coming on could make you stand out like the proverbial piece of excrement in a punch-bowl.
I agree, hence my not getting one.

The tactical issue outweigh the convience IMHO. Not only did his light come on at the draw, but the laser as well.

His thought process was, that if he had to draw...the fight was already on and the light was either a benifit or irrelevant. Id like more control then that over the light.

ETA.. I have just ordered the new Surefire mini pistol light and a CCW holster to go with it. I like dedicated weapon lights, but i want CONTROL of when it comes on and goes off
I agree with the thought process of being able to control the light. If I'm at home I have a light that I'll mount that I can manipulate.

I like the idea of pull and the laser is there in a normal not at home in the dark situation.
"...could make you stand out like..." So does having a flashlight on a firearm in the first place.
There are switches that work by pressure. In for off, out for on.