Is there a website that lists competition types AND the rules?


New member
I've recently decided that I would enjoy the camaraderie of some organized shooting events.

The trouble I am having is in trying to identify the different types of competition and the rules for them.

I realize this sounds somewhat ~whiney~ but I am a complete novice to organized competition,,,
All of the information I have been able to find assumes I already know something.

When I go the the NRA website I get very little useable information,,,
It says that there is a class of silhouette shooting for .22 rifles,,,
But gives no specifics about rifles, sights, or targets.

So, if any of you good folk could point me to a website about "Shooting Sports for Dummies" I would be forever in your debt.

I can't pay you in cash,,,
But I can beam lotsa Good Shooting Karma.

For the moment I will probably try something geared for the .22 rifles and pistols,,,
As money and knowledge grow over the frosty cold winter months,,,
I will consider something with a bit more ~whang~ to it.

I thank you in advance for any assistance you may give me.

Aarond Graham
Steel challenge would be good for 22 pistol. Silhouette (IHMSA) would be good for 22 rifle. Semiauto would better for Steel, not necessary for silhouette.

As for the NRA website, you have to look more around the site. And Google for details and experiences. While the Brian Enos forums is primarily IPSC/USPSA, he has subforums for Beginners and Other Shooting sports.

And do not be afraid to ask "dumb" questions


:D Ya just hafta look a bit harder at the NRA site.
Try this link:

You can also subscribe to the NRA's monthly competition oriented magazine "Shooting Sports". Every issue contains an exhaustive list of competitions in multiple venues nationwide.
In fact, I may have a copy around that I could send to you (may not, also). Let me look. PM me if you are interested.
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