Is there a way to make a semi Auto Thompson into a full automatic?

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A local gun store I go to sells Semi-Automatic guns that are based on fully automatic submachine guns (Uzzies, Tommy Guns, etc.). My question is, that if I buy a Tommy Gun in Semi-Auto form, is there a way with ease and won't devalue the gun or damage it that I can make it a fully automatic if it should ever be once again legal to own guns (especially machine guns) without state or federal interferance or if there should be a big riot in the city or if my state or even America should be invaded by....Mexico or China....or the Klingons or Cardassians or Martians :D .
The idea is to get a cool submachine gun for fun at the range while potentially having an effective "chopper" if the need ever arised. :cool:
You would be comitting a felony punishable by a maximum of 10yrs in the pen and $10k fine .

Originals run $15k - $30k average .
+1 on the different internals. I've not compared them, but what I hear is that the receivers of the SA versions would need a heap o' machining first.

Oh... by the way Doug38... you left out the Mimbari. :D
CAN it be done? Sure.

With something like the same amount of modification it would take to turn the rear end of a '67 Caddie into a machine gun.

Short answer is, "Nope." And even if it could, not legally. And certainly not without changing it past worthlessness for resale.

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