Is there a FFL for personal use only?

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New member
I just read through the ATF website and other than getting a headache, I did not get much else. I did email them, curious if they will respond and what they will say.
My question to them, and to anyone here who may know.
Is there a FFL I can apply and pay for, for personal use?
I am not going to sell firearms, don't plan on buying for others either.
Just would like one to use, so I can purchase firearms on line for myself.
I did read that they have one for relics and antiques. I plan to buy Replica's and some lever action rifles. They are not really relics and antiques.
If there is such a FFL, what are the fees?
I live in California, not sure if state of residency matters.
I do meet all their requirements to apply.
Anyone has any info, I would appreciate it.
Thank you

Other than the "curios and relics" license you mentioned, the answer is "no".

Here's the FFL application form. If you look at question #19, it reads "Do You Intend to Use Your License Only to Acquire Personal Firearms?" (emphasis in original).

The answers are "yes" and "no", and it goes on to say "If yes, do not submit application".
Now that ScottRiqui has handily answered the question, I see no reason to leave this open. To do so would simply invite folks to propose "workarounds," which we don't want.

ScottRiqui, thank you for answering that so clearly and succinctly.

Hundy, welcome to TFL! If your question has not been answered, or if you have other questions that you feel would be appropriate for this thread, PM me and I'll re-open it.
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