Is there a competition kit for a Hi Power?


Is there some sort of extended barrel with barrel weight for a 9mm Browning Hi Power Mark III like the older competition model? Thanks.

Not that I know of as a "kit."
There are threaded barrels for BHP, a weight or compensator could be made and screwed on.
Kind of moot since match grade .355" bullets are few and far between.
First thing you'd have to do to get a decent trigger in a BHP is remove the mag safety. Most formal match rules disallow doing that.
I've owned standard Hi Powers, and GP Comps, but don't know of a "kit". But FWIW, I've had more than one Hi Power done up with a Barsto barrel and good sights. Shooting from the bench at 25 yards, a regular Hi Power with the Barsto and good sights, is comparable to the factory GP Comp version as to accuracy in my hands. Achieving that accuracy is admittedly easier with the GP Comp version due to the longer sight radius and lighter trigger. Within my humble experience, quality 9mm bullets will produce accuracy in an accurate 9mm pistol equal to any other semi-auto pistol caliber. I believe the USAMU has been demonstrating this with their 9mm pistols for some time now. The best I have personally found for reloading are the Sierra 115 JHP, but factory Federal 115 JHPs in the 9BP, XM9001 and 9BPLE versions have produced excellent accuracy in my guns too.


  • GP  COMP - Copy.JPG
    GP COMP - Copy.JPG
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Kind of moot since match grade .355" bullets are few and far between.
How much difference would a "match grade" pistol bullet compared to a standard 9MM bullet make in a handgun match?
Other than that, I have a 9mm Browning H.P. and it shoots .356 diameter bullets.
Thank you all for your replies. I've see the Barsto and EFK barrels. The Equalizer is interesting but I would like to see a price.

I also like the look of the GP so I was thinking maybe someone made a kit.
BTW- my recollection may be flawed, but I seem to recall the BHP Competition model had a different mechanism for the magazine disconnect- one that didn't affect the trigger feel as much.

Thus, if you got the BHP Competition, you could leave the mag disconnect in, and it wouldn't feel the same as a 'standard' BHP.

Garthwaite makes a nice trigger that allows for overtravel stop adjustment, and you can get one that maintains the magazine disconnect. I did.

However, I also spent a lot of time with polishing compound and polished the HECK out of the mag disconnect parts to improve the feel:
  • I polished inside the channel within the trigger that the mag disconnect slid through,
  • I chamferred the mouth of the disconnect piece, where the spring slides inside it.
  • I carefully trimmed the spring to reduce the pressure, while maintaining the disconnect feature.
  • I used the stiffer trigger spring to compensate for the loss of pressure here [the spring for the pre-MKIII models was used, as Mk III trig springs are weaker].
  • I polished the mag disconnect 'piece'- [both the sides of the shaft and the area it touched the magazine].
  • I polished the rotational surface of the trigger/sear 'lifter'- as this area rotates about 20 degrees when compressing the mag disconnect, and making it smoother removes friction.

I did all of this, and the magazine disconnect still makes it feel worse than my pistol without it, but it is no where near as much of a problem, and I am happier.