Is the RPR still worth it?

Would you bother with the RPR as a chassis to build on these days or is it a waste by the time you start putting some money into it?

Was reading this article and it looks like it does well stock for comp and potential if I drop some coin but I'm not sure whether I should just go straight to custom at this point and not be limited by the RPR.

Would you bother with the RPR as a chassis to build on these days or is it a waste by the time you start putting some money into it?

Was reading this article and it looks like it does well stock for comp and potential if I drop some coin but I'm not sure whether I should just go straight to custom at this point and not be limited by the RPR.

I have seen them beat $10k customs in thousand yard matches. I have also seen them that were barely sub MOA. It's a crap shoot. You might get a 1/4 moa rifle and you might get a 3/4 moa rifle.
I'm not sure whether I should just go straight to custom at this point and not be limited by the RPR.
Well, not knowing your level of skill and proficiency (yeah, yeah, I know, everybody's an expert nowadays), I still don't see how you would be limited by a rifle that helped set current levels of accuracy expectations. Could you spend more money? Sure. Would it improve your scores? Don't know the answer to that, but I doubt it. But I have been around shooting sports for a long time now, and I have heard people blame their rifles and ammo for dropped points for the past 45+ years, and it doesn't sound any more believable now than it did 45 years ago. I have seen some really impressive groups shot with a factory stock RPR with good factory ammo. I'm sure the rifles are capable of doing what you need done.

My advice, worth exactly what you pay for it, is to get a RPR (or substitute your premium rifle of choice), get a good barrel for it, get a good trigger for it, put good glass on it, and put good ammo through it and go shoot little teeny groups at extended ranges with the rifle. And don't try to blame the equipment if you come up short.
Bought mine in 308 three years ago, and I can honestly say, its the most accurate rifle, with various factory and hand loads I've ever had the pleasure to shoot in my sixty years of hunting and shooting !
Ruger built twenty 308 Winchester single shot rifles for the US Palma team in 1990. They thought all would be used in the upcoming World Palma Matches. Member's own rifles with Winchester and Remington actions tested about 6 to 7 inches at 1000 yards. The most accurate Ruger tested about 20.