Is the Repub Party against birth control ?

Silver Bullet

New member
My wife said she received an email from Hillary's campaign claiming that the Republican Party is actively trying to keep women from acquiring birth control devices. I haven't seen anybody outside the Catholic church promoting anything like that.

This is birth control we're talking about, not abortion.

Is there any truth to this, or is this just Hillary trying to stampede the paranoid into voting Democrat ?
Haven't heard anything of the sort. Just more Hillary garbage. The only stretch of truth would be since the Rep party in general supports Pro-Life, they would probably be happy to see Planned Parenthood shut down. The connection is that PP is one of the major contributers of birth control pills to women.

Follow the "logic"?
Some of the more conservative and religious Republicans, like Sarah Palin, are opposed to birth control. But as of yet, the Republican Party has not made that part of their platform.
Certain factions of the republican party have gone to great lengths to end programs that provided free contraception. So in a way they are against it. It is just not one of their platforms.

Of course, it is not necessarily the contraception itself to which they are opposed. They are usually more opposed to the idea that providing free contraception promotes casual sexual activity. They are fine with a couple using a condom, they just don't want them getting them for free from any publicly funded sources.

You do have some factions that are just completely opposed to it at all.
No the R party is not against birth control but they are for people using self control and being responcible for them selves not every one else paying for what some one else does.
That's how Hill rolls. You so much as insinuate that abstinence may be one of many options to reduce the risk of pregnancy and disease, and you are thereafter diametrically opposed to all birth control in any embodiment. You haven't noticed similar tactics out of the gun control folks?
hat's how Hill rolls. You so much as insinuate that abstinence may be one of many options to reduce the risk of pregnancy and disease, and you are thereafter diametrically opposed to all birth control in any embodiment.
I cannot recall a single person on either side having any issue with abstinence being stressed as an option in birth control or sexual education.

People have a problem with people who want to teach abstinence-only. The far rights pretense that the left opposes abstinence is a complete fabrication.
No the R party is not against birth control but they are for people using self control and being responcible for them selves not every one else paying for what some one else does.


How dare You??
Suggest that people use self control and personnel responsibility in their lives and not ask others to clean up their mistakes---what are you ?? Some kind of freak??
I mean, what would America be like if people had to live with their decisions and there wasn't someone willing to bail them out with other people's money to get votes.
Jeez, I can't imagine what our society would be like.

In case you couldn't tell, I'm being sarcastic.:)

That's a big part of the Dems and Hillary's pitch---live like you want and we'll take care of it with other people's money---now go vote Dem.

You so much as insinuate that abstinence may be one of many options to reduce the risk of pregnancy and disease, and you are thereafter diametrically opposed to all birth control in any embodiment.

Silly old bear!

You have it exactly backwards.

There's a reason that some right-wing folks -- and Sarah Palin too -- call it "abstinence-only" education. It's because they can't stand the idea that birth control education would be given along with abstinence education.

All "how-to-prevent" pregnancy/disease education starts with the point that abstinence is the only sure-fire way. It then moves on to the other ways.

It's the "other ways" part that freaks out the right wing.

The question was not whether the Republican Party (of which Sarah Palin is a prominent member) is against the use of condoms. The question was if the Republican Party is against BIRTH CONTROL.

Try and follow along please.

My earlier statement may or may not have been correct. In all honesty, If your read the first ten results from a google search for "Sarah Palin on birth control" most of those ten links state that she is against the use of condoms, birth control pills, and, of course, abortion. A couple state the opposite. All the links are to sites which are fairly biased or to posts written by people with obvious bias. And that bias goes both ways.

So, I retract my statement about Sarah Palin being opposed to birth control until such time as I have better facts.
It's the "other ways" part that freaks out the right wing.

I'm not against birth control at all but it sure doesn't seem to be working does it??
So many abortions so many babies being born to unwed mothers---so many " baby daddy" out there not supporting all the children they have with multiple women.
Jeez, you would think with all the free condoms taxpayers are supplying that you wouldn't see all these pregnancies.
What's the stats??
In some segments of our society, 80% of mothers are unwed and these children have no father in their lives supporting them either financially or emotionally.
Yeah, talking abstinence is a bad thing when birth control is working so well.
Some people just need to get with it and keep paying for all the children being born to people that have access to FREE TAXPAYER FUNDED BIRTH CONTROL.

I'm not against birth control at all but it sure doesn't seem to be working does it??
Actually, all the studies done so far show that "abstinence-only" programs are the least successful forms of birth control.
Yeah, talking abstinence is a bad thing when birth control is working so well.

Please re-read the earlier post. The point is that no one is against educating on abstinence. That's a given. It's the right wing who wants to stop there and hope for the best.
Please re-read the earlier post. The point is that no one is against educating on abstinence. That's a given. It's the right wing who wants to stop there and hope for the best.
Not only do they completely ignore the failure of abstinence-only programs...they also want to falsely portray anyone that wants to deal with the reality of sex as being "against abstinence." It is a blatant lie that so many righties fall for and repeat without a second thought.
Not only will some not admit that FREE birth control is not working, they don't want the word abstinence mentioned in any context.
It goes against the " do anything you want" segment of our society.
To preach abstinence has so many implications that some people find offensive.
Some things that they would rather not think about.
That's part of the attack on Palin, her views just flat out scare some people and may cause them to think alittle.

Not only will some not admit that FREE birth control is not working, they don't want the word abstinence mentioned in any context.
How are you coming to the conclusion that free birth control is not working? Teen pregnancies were steadily falling over the last few decades after such programs were implemented. They only started rising again in the last eight years after many were scrapped in favor of "abstinence-only" programs and many schools were stopped from making condoms available. Seems like reality does not back up you version of the story.