is the price of single shot shot guns going up

Nathan c

New member
I been buying them for 80$ 12g 20g .410 h&r and tomson I been to 3 diffrent gun shops in 3 different stats and I am seeing them for 135-200$

I get them mostly for wall hanging if I find oone that looks cool I pick it up. But the prices seem to have jumped. Am I crazy?
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Have found this to be true as well. I am planning on getting 2 single shot shotguns so I can take my boys out hunting, and couldn't find any good deals online. Their all $235 and up. Time to do shop local shopping/ running around.:rolleyes:
3 months or so maybe a bit longer a go, if I walked in to a shop and sead do you have any single shot shot guns the guy behind the counter would all but hand it to me and push me out the door with out paying for it lol
I don't know about the gun shops like I sed been to 3 in 3 different stats might start looking at yard sales lol
It depends on the shop. A few months ago I found a handful of single shots for under $100. Meanwhile some shops will want top dollar.
NEF's in good shape go for 90-125 around here.

I have one in 20g i use for squirrel/rabbit and I sent the barrel to Mike Orlin and had it drilled/tapped for screw in chokes.

I will never sell it because I will never get out of it, what I have in it :(
With NEF/H&R out of the biz, I wouldn't be surprised if prices are getting a little higher.

When did they go out of business? I hadn't heard that. I just checked the H& website, and it's up and running as of this evening. Now, I did know that H&R was bought out by the conglomerate that owns Remington & a half dozen other gun companies (Freedom Group). And I did hear that they moved from their original location in MA. to the old Remington plant in Ilion, NY. And I also knew that H&R had dropped the NEF branding. But I hadn't heard they were out of business.
As an alternative to a single shot, consider one of the bolt action Mossberg, Stevens, etc shotguns that show up used for not a whole lot of money.
^ +1

I like the ones that feed from a 3-round box magazine in 20 gauge. Cut one down for a nice little highly inexpensive defense shotgun or kitchen door gun.
Most people want "tactical" stuff so singles are cheap.

Bolts are nifty. Mine is 2+1 with a box magazine and a three foot barrel.
TxGun, H & R has been gone for quite a while, the only thing still in existence is the name, that keeps getting bounced around.
RJAY...if you're talking about the original H&R...then yeah, of course. That's been gone for decades. But this H&R1871/NEF outfit has been building guns for years now. As I said in my 1st post, they were acquired by the Freedom group, which owns a number of firearms manufacturers, they dropped the NEF branding, they moved from MA to Ilion, NY (the old Remington plant)...but they continue to make single-shot shotguns and rifles. At least, AFAIK.

My 1st post was in response to this comment:
Model12Win With NEF/H&R out of the biz, I wouldn't be surprised if prices are getting a little higher.

My point being, I believe they are still in business, unless I've missed some very recent announcement.