is the FN/FAL still around?


New member
back in the glory days of the 7.62NATO, gb use to carry them.
now, I never see them.
anyone still using them or has it been sent into the shadows to die a slow death?
The local gun shop usually has at least one or two of them on the wall. They tend to be overpriced heavy and bulky for what they are. He did have the nicest FAL I have ever seen it was in brand new condition some special one I never saw before price tag said $10,000.
According to Wikipedia, there are many countries still using them.

Easiest way is a screenshot:


I have one with wood furniture, of course it’s one of the ones reassembled into a compliant semiauto.
It’s not any particular fun to shoot, it’s heavy and clunky.

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I don't know if it was full auto he never mentioned it, I think it would probably cost a lot more if it was I don't know I don't buy machine guns. I don't know who uses it but I do know I always like the way the rifles look and how they feel I like the iron sights and it doesn't matter to me if they're made of plastic or wood I like the FAL. I have heard it described as the right arm of the Free world I don't know I accurate that is but I do like the rifle [emoji41]
what was the semi auto version called?
They are former automatic rifles.
I believe that the receivers are cut up, and the parts are sold as kits. There has to be a certain number of USA made parts for it all to be legal.
Everyone still calls them FALs that I know, but I believe they are sold under the model that the company that makes the replacement receiver names them, such as, DSA58.

But just understand that I’m basing this on my fuzzy memory of more than 20years ago. Lol, so I could be way off the mark.
I only own one, it’s nice to look at, stays in the safe most of the time.
they use to be everywhere, and it appears now they all migrated to the 3rd world countries.
my first view of an FAL as a kid was with the palace guards.
now they carry bullpups.
rickyrick,you recall well.
The STG 58 kits came de-milled.
DSA was one option for a receiver Imbel was another.

We needed a certain number of USA parts. A semi-only selector.

There is a cam in the bolt carrier designed to trip full auto when the BCG comes into battery.
I'm not a lawyer or a BATF agent,but it seems wise ,as a "CYA " move, to mill off that cam so its not considered a "full auto BCG"

They are a good gun. Cool and all. Heavy to carry, heavy mags,,mediocre trigger, and not as friendly to optics as the AR-10 clones.
Shooting iron sights on a bench.mine would shoot just over an inch at 100 yds for up to 5 shots,but as it warmed,it walked. The barrel is not free floated and a gas system hangs from it.

Its a cool battle rifle that is good at battle rifle things. Mine is gone and I have a Garand. Its cool,too.

Its easy to get very good accuracy,an excellent trigger,and superb optics mounting at lower price with the AR-10 clones.

For myself,its an easy choice.

Another practical ,good choice is an M1A. I call then "The Harley of Rifles"
You'll never convince a "True Believer" to go AR-10 over M1A. Thats like going Japanese Motorcycle! Don't even try. SR420 will get out his fully Tapco Equipt :D Hawg and show you. Oil puddle and all! (I smiled when I said it,420!)
Atlantic Firearms still sells new ones.

DSA still makes them.

I have an STG58 and another one built on a British parts kit. Both are Century builds. One was a Clinton Assault Ban era gun and doesn’t have the evil flash suppressor or bayonet mount. Century builds were looked down on by some, but both mine always feed, fire, and eject like they’re supposed to and accuracy is on par with what everyone else was reporting, 2 - 3 inches at 100 yards. I would hate to have to carry one plus the extra ammo all day. I doubt I could even hold one up long enough to shoot a 20 round mag off hand, aimed fire. But my 308 AR10 is a pig too. I still think they’re cool guns though, or I wouldn’t have bought them.
:D if I liked motorcycles I would own a ricer.

I appreciate the FAL - DSA in particular, but I never warmed up to it. I owned versions of the AR-10, but I never saw any advantage to choosing it over a fully modernized M14 / M1A. All three have pros and cons about them... none is perfect.
I kinda missed out on the heyday of the CMP M1s, I like the Garand style action, but I could never justify throwing down the amount of money for an M1a.

This thread has gotten me to think about pulling out the old FAL and shooting it a little. I have quite the pile of surplus NATO ammunition for it.

It’s a cool looking rifle, I might try to get a photo in the next few days.
Plenty of kids these days want FALs, of all types. South African variants are particularly sought-after.

You just need to expand your view to see a new horizon.
They are a period piece, cool to look at but not really that much fun to carry and shoot. Heavy and rattle-your-teeth rugged when fired. I loved FALs back in the day, but like so many other glorified full auto bullet spewers, they were a no-no in civilian hands. FN marketed a semi-auto version for a few years but it was close to $1000 at a time when most people weren't looking at battle rifles, so they just faded away. Springfield Armory tried selling the IMBEL versions for a few years, but even those had few takers, all the old war vets in the USA wanted M1As because M14! Not. The FN FAL was a great gun, there are better options now, but if you want an old war horse they're old school cool.
Not that there is anything all that wrong with the FAL, but plenty of more recent vets want M1As because M14 EBR. And kids want them because of video games.
I would like to reword my statement. the fn isn't migrating to 3rd world countries, its just all the others have transitioned to something else....and the 3rd world countries are still using them.
Ex Green Beret friend of mine has an FN SCAR with an acog on top--he got it cause it's what he used. Beautiful rifle but definitely hefty, but I think it had a good reputation for ruggedness and reliability; he did a lot of jumping out of airplanes and bashing around in tough terrain.
The FAL is a great 308. Rugged, reliable, durable. There's a reason DSA was able to assemble some decent Izzy versions using old Izzy parts sets.

HOWEVER, there are some excellent 308 bullpups out there that are so much lighter than the FAL and perform just as well. I believe there is a trend toward bullpup 308's away from the larger, bulkier heavier ones of yesteryear.