Is Teflon Coated Ammo Legal in VA?


New member
I ask because of something I read in a VCDL newsletter (the last few sentences are key):

2. Three Fairfax County police officers prove the Keystone Kops are alive and well

We haven't had any issues with the Fairfax County police in quite a while now. I have found them to be one of the best run police agencies in Virginia.

However, three officers tarnished that image last week when they unlawfully arrested a North Carolina resident who was legally carrying a handgun and had a North Carolina CHP.

Hold on tight - this is a weird story.

The gun owner was pulled over for running through a red light, a charge which the gun owner disputes.

The gun owner, believing that he had to disclose he was lawfully armed as they do in North Carolina, dutifully told the officer he had a NC CHP and was indeed armed.

The officer seemed to ignore the statement, but very shortly two more patrol units pulled up. The next thing the gun owner knew he is in a "felony stop" mode. He was asked to walk backwards towards the officers, who then disarmed and handcuffed him.

While trying to unloaded his gun, THEY DROPPED IT ONTO THE ROAD!

The two officers and a SERGEANT then proceeded to tell him that he was under arrested for:

1. Having hollow point bullets, which they claimed were illegal in Virginia (!)
2. Taking a loaded gun across the state line, which the gun owner was told was a FELONY (!)
3. Having a concealed gun that the police said he couldn't have since he was from North Carolina (!!)

His car and gun were impounded and he was taken off to a magistrate.

The magistrate looked at the charges and told the police officers that they had just made a false arrest.

The officers pointed out the possession of hollow point bullets. The magistrate asked, "are they teflon coated?"

"No," replied on of the officers.

"Then they are legal."

Why would the judge care about whether the bullets were "Teflon coated?" I have a few boxes of Black Talon on the shelf but don't shoot it or carry it. Just wondering...

Mike D.
I would guess the judge was being snarky.

On the subject of Black Talons:

...Due to rumor many people believe that the black coating was Teflon, and that it was intended to allow the bullet to penetrate body armor. This was perpetuated by the movie Ronin, in which the character Sam states that the bullet he was shot with was sprayed with Teflon and that is why it penetrated his vest.
unlawfully arrested a North Carolina resident who was legally carrying a handgun

And I see a North Carolina resident with a nice, long vacation (if not retirement) in his very near future...
They shouldn't want to make it ulawful, teflon coating only protects the barrel from getting "torn up" if the bullet is made of something like steel, or even harder. THAT'S illegal.
Stupid Va cops

You may say that the police in Va. are one of the best run govt. agencies in Va. HOWEVER, N.C. has total receciprocity with the state of Va.

Maybe the location so near Washington only makes them seem competent.:p
Armor piercing ammo designed for handguns is illegal for non-cops under federal law.

The teflon-coated AP handgun ammo the judge was talking about are the near-mythical KTW rounds (AKA "cop-killer bullets" to the anti crowd, despite the fact that no cop has ever been shot with one, let alone killed).
They didn't know about the reciprocity law and they thought hollow points were illegal. What are they rookies? If not they need some more basic law classes.
the teflon on the KTW bullets was to protect the bore from the hardness of the bullet material and not as an aid to penetration. they were not available for general sale and any purchace was required on police department letterhead
What steveno said

And to clarify, I mean "casting bullets harder than..." don't know what we CAN do, but don't make any bullets made of iron, or harder.
My dealings with Fairfax County Police over the years have been pretty much positive, but I have run into a couple of REAL idiots, and several extremely lazy ones who are not a credit to their badges.