Is Smith&Wesson SW99 better than the Glock 23?


New member
My friend is shopping around for a handgun, he wants to buy a American name brand first before he goes to the European stuff. I know the SW99 is a copy of the Walther P99, What else can you tell me about both guns? He wants to use it for concealment and wants the gun to be if possible problem free and that the gun to shoot any types of ammo. Tell me more about the SW99. He is really interested about that gun. I tell him to buy the Glock, even tho I am a Ruger fan. My friends own Glocks, but he wants his Smithy. I also know that in California the prices for the SW99 is $630, and the Glock 23 is about $619. It sounds really steep, but the new laws are causing the Gun shops to rise their prices. I guess it is the new laws or the New Year, or the Gun companies are charging them a arm and a leg. I heard that the California-DOJ is charging $1000 for each gun submitted for testing and to be maintain in their website. Sound like blackmail to me. Anyways tell me about the SW99 and Glock 23. Thank you.

I have no idea about the functionality of the sw99. What I do know is that if anything goes wrong with it be prepared for a headache. I own a SW40V and the striker failed 2500 rounds. No sweat just buy a new striker and install it right? Wrong, I have to send the thing to S&W because a striker is a "restricted" part. If it were a Glock I could buy strikers and any other part all day. If I had known this I would never have bought the thing. Now i have to pay to ship this thing so some guy can do a repair that I could do in five minutes.
While not owning a G23 or a SW99, I do however own a G32 (.357 Sig version of the G23) and a Walther P99 in .40S&W(no S&W parts but the same pistol) and here's my opinion.

I think that the P99 fits my hand better with the different back straps then the G32, but neither is what I would term "uncomfortable". The P99 feels a little more High Power like in my hands.

I have found that the P99 is slightly more accurate, which is surprising because I have found that in my P229 the .357 Sig is more accurate then the .40S&W. The *better* accuracy could be attributed to the *better* trigger of the P99 in its SA mode. Either will allow you to shoot groups the size of a coffee can lid at any *combat*(50' and closer) range.

The G32 is a little more concealable with its shorter OAL. And if you don't mind paying about twice as much for the mags (comparing the price of the Waltehr Mags at 30-40 dollars) you can still get the full capacity mags.

If I had to make a choice, I couldn't make it. ;) Both pistols are that good!

Personally, I'd look at the Ruger line of semi-autos befors S&W's line... I've fired the Ruger in .45 and was very surprised about the low recoil, good accuracy and utter reliability, especially in light of the low price.
Its a good design - but some things are lacking.
I'm not sure if the S&W version does, but the Walther uses a plastic guide rod. Thats just plain wrong. If it does, swap that POS right out of there.
Another gun you want to look at is the Steyr M compact unit.
Oh - wait - you want JUST USA stuff. Okay. There is the 1911 compacts. There is the the Kahr line of autos.
There is the HS 2000, that would make a great compact when it has its day. There is the Para - its Canadian, but not from Europa. Taurus has a little one, the P111. Brazilian, not American, but not European either. There is Kel Tech - but I'd skip that one if you can help it.
S&W has those cure little J frames. Colt has the Pony line and the Pocket Nine... all very nice and there is the Colt Dick Special - a CLASSIC little round gun.
Then there are the really small ones.
NAA Guardian .32 and the Mini revolvers.
Along with the Guardian, there is the Seacamp, in .32 which are around and the new .380s that are impossible to get.
The Kahr K40 Covert is a potent little rat... .40 cal, and in a small enough package to be VERY concealable. One of the best packages around for that type a gun.
If you want quality, get the Glock.

if you want problems, get the SW. I will never carry one of their Klinton gun and they are not American owned.
Let me start by saying you shouldn't by anything S&W.

With that in mind, I've compared the SW99 and Walther side by side. The Walther has better features (serrated top strap, larger trigger guard, squared trigger guard)

I've shot the Walther in .40 and it shoots pretty good but the trigger is really wierd. You'll either love it or hate it. I hate it. Hate the take up and hate how close it is.

I did try a QA model (a different trigger type with no take up). Much better. More like the Glock.

Still, I'd take the G23 any day over the SW/P99- especially as a defense weapon. I own a G23. I don't own a P99 or SW99

If you must get the SW99 at least get the Walther to avoid giving the traitors at S&W our money.
I would not recommend the SW99 or the Walther P99. They are not very durable or reliable.

If you want an American made pistol, your only option is Ruger.
As the owner of 2 S&W semis I must say that both of mine are great guns. I have never had a problem with either of them. I would not give them up but yet I would not buy one over a Glock. The Glock is clearly a better made gun and it is a lot easier to clean also. The Glock will be more reliable and it has a much smoother trigger.

As far as the Ruger semis....stay away from them. I have not seen one that does not have a major problem with jamming. The S&W is superior to the Ruger but obviously Glock is the way to go.

I am a proud owner of Ruger handguns and rifles. I own mainly all P-Series handguns and all work excellent and they have never jam after the +5000rds, I have put in each of them. I shot everything from steel Wolf ammo to +P+ ammo. Never had a problem with these fine firearms. Anyways my friend is going to purchase the Glock 23 .40caliber, he is also thinking of buying the Ruger P-97 after he shot my gun and 150rds of Wolf .45ACP ammo, without a hitch. Thank you all for the responses. Later.
The only thing I liked about the Smith is it feels a tad better in the hand than the Glock...But thats the only place that SW99 has Glock beat. The new style frames on Glock help.

The trigger on S&W is my biggest of many complaints....good gawd!, could smith make that trigger break any farther back.....Hated the SW99 Trigger

Finish...Teniferized Glock WILL NOT rust. Smith will

Mags.....Glock has High caps available.

Price...Glock Cheaper

Parts availabilty....Glock hands down.

Warranty.....Glock lifetime, no hassle. S&W, will they even be around in a year?

Accessory availibity...Glock hands down

the list just goes on...

If he is set on a SW99 over a glock for buying American First....Explain how Smith sold gun owners out and and Glock stood up for the second amendment.

Side by side....its apples to oranges....Glock is the far superior firearm.

SDnR ;)
I had the SW-99 and still have the Glock-23.

There is no comparison. The Glock is better. My Glock has yet to malfunction in over 6000 rounds. The SW-99 couldn't get through a Magazine without jamming. Even after a thorough cleaning.

When I called the SW tech support, they told me I was limp wristing the gun and that was it. I traded it for a Glock-19 and haven't looked back.

Get the P-99 if you want that design.