Is shooters choice MC7 safe to use on plastic framed handguns?


New member
Just picked up a bottle, on the label it mentions that it removes plastic shotgun fouling as well. I want to use it on a Sig P320 as the main cleaner but am not sure if it'll melt/hurt the frame.

Any experience or reasoning would be appreciated.
I've used it on my polymer-framed pistols (Glock, H&K, etc.) without issue for well over a decade. I would be willing to bet that the Sig P320 polymer frame would be unharmed by it, but you could always contact Sig for their direction as to how best proceed.

Sig Sauer customer service can be reached here:

(603) 610-3000
Trust me, we're lucky that it's always busy. When they answer you feel worse about owning a SIG Sauer than when they didn't answer at all.

They're busy for a reason. :/
Having used Shooters Choice , from it's original blending "Marksmans Choice"... till now . I recommend it. ★★★
The old stuff removed copper, a tad better. But cleaning time is way less than using Hoppes. The new S.C. "MC7 is milder, so if you don't soak polymer parts for hours on end, you are good to go.
But it’s always busy!!(?)

That’s a joke....

Yeah, I figured as much. :p

Unfortunately, your quip also rather insightful as more often than not 'customer service' fails to center upon the proper objective of that enterprise....serving the customer (who chose to support them with their hard-won dollars).