Is Ruger a reliable gun?

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They are less costly because Ruger has made a point of developing some pretty innovative manufacturing processes (such as investment casting). They are less costly because they sell in higher volume than many gun makers.

There's nothing cheap about Rugers.

As for reliable? Look up word RELIABLE in the dictionary, and you'll find that "Ruger" is one of the synonyms.
Rugers, being well engineered, are very durable and robust firearms.

Whether they are reliable or not depends largely on the user. Even the best engineered firearm cannot be considered reliable if the user neglects or abuses it. In response to your inquiry, given a reasonable amount of care, Rugers are very reliable and I feel confident about their designs (OK, I concede the early ones are UGLY).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
While most Rugers (pistol or Rifle) are not my first choice to buy.... They are built very strong and are very reliable. Most of the time their accuracy is fairly good also (if you delete their Mini 30)
If you want a good, reliable, rugged gun, buy a Ruger. If you want to follow the latest fad and spend lots of bucks, there are plenty of other guns that will allow you to do this, and plenty of people who will tell you that if you don't have Brand X, you are not "cool". Forget "cool". Buy a Ruger if you like it.

Ditto the comments already posted. Yes, they are reliable, and worth what you pay for them.

Regards - AZFred

[This message has been edited by Fred (edited October 13, 1999).]
I have fired 800 rounds in my Ruger P-89. Not one missfire or malfunction of any kind, ever! Some people say they are ugly. I told my friend that I think they look pretty good. He said that I just like it because it is the only thing in my house that is bigger and unglier than I am. :)
Ruger makes some excellant weapons but IMHO
the semi-autos ( .22 cal excepted ) leave a
lot to be desired. I have see them on the range used by LEO's and a lot of the time
they don't hold up. Some of the newer ones
look pretty good but most LEO's spend their
money on one of the "brand X" when they
can afford it. IMHO
LEO's? What's that, Bobo? Or anyone else.

"Is he quite safe?" "Of course he isn't safe, he is a lion, but he is good." - about Aslan (God-image) from CS Lewis's the Cronicles of Narnia
LEO, when used on here stands for Law Enforcement Officer. I don't know any of any departments around here that use Rugers.

However, the first handgun that I have ever owned was a P-91 .40 when they first came out. It has had about 3000 rounds through it by now. There has never been a parts breakage of any kind in that time. There have been a few malfunctions. Around 700 rounds a friend of mine who was inexperienced with guns jammed twice in one mag while shooting some UMC fmj. Watching him shoot I chalked it up to limpwristing the gun. (not holding it tight enough to allow the slide to travel back and forth under momentum). I haven't been able to duplicate that. I also jammed it quite a bit while shooting some really cruddy lead reloads. The lead was so soft that you could leave a mark in it with your thumbnail. 25 rounds through a 50 round box and my gun was encrusted with lead powder. I do not hold those malfunctions against the gun, I hold it against the ammo. The only other malfunction I can think of was during a heavy snow storm here in northern Utah. It was about 10 degrees below 0 with strong wind. Had 2 stovepipes out of 50 wichester white box. Might have had something to do with my shivering.

Hope this helps get an idea, I haven't ever seen anything that hasn't jammed under some conditions.
I have to agree with the others The ruger is well worth the money. I have a A ruger P-85 still going strong. The Ruger 10/22 i have i bought When i was 17 that was 14yrs ago and is still stock and shoots great.
My Ruger P89 has digested everything from CorBon 115grain +P loads to 147 grain hollow points with not a single malfunction on any factory loaded ammuntion. I estimate I am about to pass the 5,000 round mark on the gun with no part failures whatsoever.

If I had my druthers, I would make the Ruger pistols slimmer, lighter, and with better grips. But they cannot be beat for the $. Heck, you can get a P95 for $275 in these parts!
I've had about a dozen Rugers over the years (5 now) and have been happy with every one. They are more accurate than most shooters can hold and more reliable and rugged than most guns.

A lot of people ridicule Ruger owners to make themselves feel better about spending way too much for what they bought. I've spent a bunch more and got a bunch less on several pistols, that's why I respect Ruger.

I own quite a number of them.From Single action pistols to semi auto rifles,and have never had any reliability problems whatsoever.They are a great value for what you pay.
As Sardude...I have Ruger single actions, a Redhawk and many Ruger rifles....nary a problem. When shopping I check Ruger's line first for any new gun I want

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
The only RUGER I own is the MKII .22LR, and I think it is the funnest sport pistol made. It is really inexpensive, accurate, easily maintained, and the ammo cost make it a great practice gun. As for other RUGER semi auto's I would not buy one for my own personal tastes. Once again, not to offend MR. RUGER who is a living firearms manufacturing legend and AMERICAN HERO!!! In short RUGERs are good guns at a GREAT PRICE!!!

Bill Ruger has a chauffer who bought Wilson's book on Ruger. Bill wouldn't sign it for him. Great designer, engineer, and American Industrialist, but gruffy. Oh well, what do you expect from an 80+ year old?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I own several Sigs, Kimbers, S&W, and Glocks. But when it comes to Home DEFENSE or just plain fun... RUGERS ARE THE ONLY CHOICE.

For what I spent on my Sig P220 I could have had almost two p-90 in .45.

For the money, piece of mind, and love of firearms. Rugers can not be beat.

Mr. Bill Ruger has always been gruffy. Read the book. He is not a patient man, thank God, because if he were we would not have the Ruger #1, Blackhawk, or the wonderful P-series. He is not conventional, he is just plain and simply Mr. Ruger.....

Thanks for listening.

God Bless
Just thought I throw in my two rounds. Everyone makes such good sense It's hard to add anything new. Their revolvers are very well made, but I feel their tolerances are machined too tightly. Their cleanliness is of paramount importance or they will bind up in just a couple of cylinders of ammo. They are strong though, and accurate. Their line of semiauto target and plinking 22's are accurate and reliable but are a booger to disassemble and reassemble. I've had a lot of fun with their Mini 14's, though their not as accurate as I would like. Also, remember they are not designed for encounters that require a lot of firepower, but their great for police duty, though not as anti-sniper weapons. By any Ruger and enjoy.
Worked pretty good on the Long Island Railroad, Luby's Cafeteria, etc.

The loonies "weapon of choice" and cover girl for Time and Newseek. :)

BTW, I think the US Marshal's Service still issues Ruger GP100s (though most carry autos) or at least they did not long ago. Duty ammo was 110 JHP IIRC?

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