Is "Push / Pull" outdated?


New member
I use a Weaver stance and push with my gun hand while pulling with my support hand. Seems I never hear this technique conveyed to people just learning to shoot. Do y'all use it? If not, then what? Thanks! :rolleyes:
I was taught "cup and saucer" and further reinforced it in the military and police academy. I purcharde a glock 27 a few months back and was having problems controling muzzle flip. For me Using a modified weaver with push/pull works well for controling the sub-glock but I find that cup/saucer, for me, is more accurate and tighter groups with less fatigue.
I like to use the Chapman stance, which you never hear about it seems. The difference between the Chapman and the Weaver is the Chapman uses a straight strong arm. I will go from Chapman to Weaver as the situation dictates.

The Isoceles is very much in vogue right now, and for good reason. For the shooter wearing body armor (such as a policeman) the Isoceles has the less exposure of unprotected COM.

It's actually good to be fluent in all three, as well as shooting with either hand from cover. Because you cannot predict the nature of your cover, you cannot predict which technique you will need.

edited to add this link
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I used to use push-pull a lot, but found that I shot better with a straight arm weaver as Xavier described, with a looser grip on the weapon than with push-pull.

Not good to fight the weapon I found (too tight of grip).
I use the Weaver when moving, it is easier to keep the gun from bouncing with the footsteps.

I use Chapman for the longer shots, I am more accurate with Chapman than all others.

When fast follow ups are needed, I use the Isoceles since it is easier to keep muzzle flip to a minimum and is still accurate.
Thanks, fellas.

Xavier, thanks for the link - it explains those stances well. I will try the Isoscoles stance next time and see how it feels.