Is PT nightsites MMC still in business? need help


I sent a slide to them for rear site replacement plus a new MMC rear, tracking stated they received 07 Oct 2009. Sent several emails for status, no response. tried calling several numbers and you are put on hold and then dropped after 4-7 min. have they shut the doors?
What about my numbered slide, contact ATF? any help would be appreciated.

800 998 site is their free number, inoperative
702 267 9457 reg phone
supposedly current address
MMC Site Inc
77705 Duneville st. #10
Las Vegas, NV. 89139
I'm in the same boat, they have my S-A 1911 slide, the sights I paid them to put on it, and the rear sight I sent in for tritium work, and they had it all for 4 months. They got flaky as hell right before they went incommunicado, told me all sorts of conflicting BS. I did some snooping and found a neighbor of theirs in the office park who says there is a sign over their building that says they are closed for radiation problems. I'm told they had a similar problem in Texas, don't know if it was the same owners there.

I did have my CC company deny the charge and credit it to my account as a fraud problem, which they did. Looking around the Internet, there are many claims of "have not returned my slide".