Is Obama intent on political suicide?

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BELLEVUE, WA – The appointment of anti-gun rights former Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels as an alternate representative to the United Nations has removed any doubt about the Obama administration’s intentions regarding global gun control initiatives, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Nickels, a founding member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the author of Seattle’s failed attempt to override Washington’s state firearms preemption statute, was sworn in Wednesday to “help represent the United States in the UN assembly,” according to the Seattle Times.

“Putting an extremist gun banner in any position to represent this country at the United Nations amounts to renting a billboard for advertising against the Second Amendment,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “While he was Seattle’s mayor, Greg Nickels supported every anti-gun scheme put forth by Washington CeaseFire, the Northwest’s most active gun prohibition lobby.

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911, on the Internet at or by email to


The foregoing is a brief excerpt from a Citizens Committee alert I received. Thought it might interest some here. Re the content, one wonders as to the following.

Obama claimed to support The Second amendment. Is this how he shows his "support"?

Obama promised "change", prior to election. On the subject of change, P.O. Ackley once offered "that while change indicates movement, it is not necessarily movement in the direction of improvement". Here it would appear to make things worse.

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I don't see it

The guy is going to be put in a position that will have nothing to do with gun control in the US. He's doesn't have to try to get a global theme of gun control because almost every other country has very strict gun control.

This is just an article that is stretching it by quite a bit to keep the fear of losing guns and so you'll keep sending money. The other side does it too, so it's not a left/right issue.
I have to agree with tanner33. This isn't much of an issue.

As for committing political suicide, what do you care? He is the opposition. It seems like you would be in favor of him making bad decisions so that he will get booted out of office instead of expressing mock concern for his political well-being.

I love it. We criticize politicians for making decisions that support special interests, in part being done to bolster their careers. Then we criticize them for making decisions that won't bolster their careers. One way or another, we are going to find a reason to complain, especially if it means knocking the opposition in some manner even if it means playing both sides of the fence.
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