Is Obama anti gun?

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My friend told me i should buy all the guns I can just in case Obama wins cause he is anti-gun. Any truth to this or is he just trying to get me to buy more guns so I can go shooting with him and not use any of his
obama wants to ban concealed carry and those evil yeah if you want any ars or anything banned under the clinton freedom ban, stock up now
Taking away a civilians guns is just wrong. How are we suppose to protect ourselves from the government? lol Given our military could kick our ass but at least we could take on the canadians!
Read anything, ANYTHING about any one of Obama's past votes about guns from his time in IL. Note what he's said about them then. Note his latest comment about guns being the refuge of the bitter. Note his position in favor of a new AWB, semiauto ban, and ban on concealed carry.

A better question: What makes you think Obama is anything remotely resembling ambivalence toward guns, let alone friendly to them?

Hillary is a staunch RKBA supporter, and McCain a veritable chairman of the NRA by comparison.
A better question: What makes you think Obama is anything remotely resembling ambivalence toward guns, let alone friendly to them?

Good question. We have threads here with enough posts to fill a book about the fact that Obama is anti-gun, but it escapes me why we spend that much effort on the obvious. Obama has told us in clear terms where he stands. So what part of HE IS ANTI-GUN don't people understand?
We have threads here with enough posts to fill a book about the fact that Obama is anti-gun, but it escapes me why we spend that much effort on the obvious. Obama has told us in clear terms where he stands. So what part of HE IS ANTI-GUN don't people understand?

This puzzles me also. A simple rudimentary web search on Oba's stance yeilds all the information needed to determine his stance without needing to reading more than half a page. Quite possible that folks are mistaking his correct interpretation of the 2ndA as an endorsement (which he is actually against).

Here's a simple test: If they say hunting and 2nd Amendment in the same sentence or paragraph (other than to say that they are unrelated), they are anti.
If they say hunting and 2nd Amendment in the same sentence or paragraph (other than to say that they are unrelated), they are anti.

Yes, and add target shooting and common sense control.
The real question,

At least for us pro-gun Dems, is:

Given that Senator Obama is personally anti-gun, but seems to correctly interpret the 2nd Amendment, and given that we are likely to have (finally!) a Supreme Court ruling on what the bloody thing actually means, will President Obama (if there is one) conform to the ruling, or pursue legislation that goes the other way?

And if, as I think he will, he picks a pro-gun Westerner as his VP, what influence will that have on his actions as President? FWIW, I'm thinking it'll be Bill Richardson, as he's a termed out, popular governor from the area that the Dems must carry some states in, he passed on a run for the Senate (which he almost cetainly would have won), and he endorsed Obama. (And took nuclear-fireball levels of heat from the Clintons for doing so.)

That, I really don't know the answer to.

What was it Stalin called his supporters? Useful Idi**'s. These supporters were generally not of the "productive class" so they became a burden to be eliminated when Stalin gained totalitarian power..
azn505, I realize you are fairly new to this board. But I really don't think we need yet another thread on Obama and his stance on guns. Especially as there are at least 2 visible threads on this, the first page of the L&P forum.

Question asked and answered.
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