Is my Nitrex as good as your Leupold or Weaver?


New member
I have a Nitrex TR One 3*9*42 that I have been happy with. All I do is eastern deer hunting with it. There is part of me that thinks I should go with a better known brand, but really no other reason to be unhappy besides the fact that it was cheap. I got it on closeout from Natchez about 5 years ago for like $130.00. Am I over thinking this?
If it's working for you, no reason to switch...

I used a tasco for a very long time then I switched to something slightly more expensive, couldn't tell the difference really....

But I haven't really used the high end scopes, but my needs are simple; I must be able to see through it and it needs to hold zero

I've bought several vintage weavers lately because I was trying to achieve the nostalgic look... I kinda like those old scopes, haven't shot with them yet
If it works for you save the money....I went from a Bushnell elite to a Leopold that I won in a raffle very briefly. ....very nice scope...traded it for a glock, dies and some other goodies. ..kept the Bushnell, never regretted it.
i have a bushnell banner 1-9x that has ben fantastic. I have moved on to better, but it still has a place on my mosin and has several thousands rounds under it. its a really great scope for what it is. 90$
Let me ask you this question and it is paraphrased from one asked me when I wanted to trade up to a "better" carry pistol.

"What problems are you trying to resolve by buying a better scope?"

Spend your money how you like, but if you are happy with the performance you are getting, then you may be disappointed when the performance of the new scope doesn't yield you better returns. Keep in mind that getting a low end good brand scope may not actually be a significant change and buying high end glass may yield you a prettier view, but not actually improve your ability to hunt. Where it really shines is in making out details at longer ranges, something you probably don't need it for given where and what you hunt.

Of course, that is all "need" logic. If you want to put a really good scope on your rifle because you just want to, that is fine as well. The only time people seem to complain about buying high quality gear is when they pay for it or when they drop it. You don't often hear people complaining about how they could see a deer too good with a high quality scope, but people do complain about not seeing well enough with poor quality scopes. Given that your scope is working for you, you don't seem to be complaining about it either.
Nathan said:
Is it made in Japan?

I don't know this scope well, but typically these brands that import get very good scopes for the dollar when they import from Japan. This looks like more of the same.

So, I doubt you could find a similar spec scope of any brand you like much better.
I bought the same scope when they had a rebate a few years ago. It is a realy nice scope. I have it on dnz mounts on a 7600 I really like it.
Own a couple of the Nitrex TR2 scopes bought from Natchez. The TR2 Nitrex is same scope as the Weaver Super Slam. Darn nice scopes that I wish I'd bought more of. Shoot with a gent who also owns a couple of the TR2 scopes and he too wish he'd bought more of them.

As to the TR1 Nitrex, it too was made by Light optics works of Japan (aka LOW). LOW also makes the high end Bushnell, Sightron and a couple of other brands I can't presently recall, but ones you'd recognize and wouldn't mind owning.

As I recall, the TR1 had the same optics as the Weaver Grand Slam, but internals were those of the Weaver Classic V. Some thought the TR1 was same as the Grand Slam. Regardless, it was a decent scope that Natchez had to sell for less than 1/2 of what it should sold for and there was a $50 rebate on it too to make it even a sweeter deal. Noticed Natchez finally sold out of the TR1 scopes a few months ago.....the TR2 sold out pretty fast.
I purchased two TR-1's from Natchez on close out for $99.00 each. I wish I had purchased 5 or 6 as they compare very well to my Leupolds, Monarchs and Sightrons considering what I paid for them. Just wish I had gotten some TR-2s.