Is L&CR becoming L&P?

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New member
Nearly every thread is descending into anarchy, conspiracy, and revolution instead of staying on topic. The mods are starting to issue the same warnings they were issuing at L&P.

We know who the people were who got L&P archived; and we are seeing the same caliber of people showing up again, here, in L&CR.

Please, guys, if you want to continue to have a place to vent your spleen on the issues of the day which affect your, and our, rights, please try to temper your posts and stay on topic, lose the revolutionary tone of your posts, and re-read what you have authored using the "Preview Post" button several times before you hit the "Submit" button.

Otherwise, you will witness what you have wrought as L&CR goes the way of the Dodo -- and L&P.

Also it makes everyone else look bad. I have a hard enough time dealing with people who say "what do you need a gun for? you just want to kill people!" when I tell them I have guns. But now sometimes I also have to deal with "oh so you think Obama isn't a citizen and a Muslim and wants to take all your guns... and you just want to kill people!!!!"

Also remember, this board is open to the public. The "enemies" can read this. But more importantly, the general public can read this. The last thing gun owners need is to get the false impression that we are a bunch of crazy tinfoil hat types because of a very small but very vocal crowd. My sentiment was displayed well in an online article's comments thread. A pro-gun commenter said that anti-gun commenters "deserve to be the ones shot by the drug dealers and gangs after Barack Hussein Obama takes away all of our guns". An anti-gun commenter replied "And you wonder why people don't you want to have firearms."

We try - it is amazing how people don't listen or read the rules. Most folks however are responsive if we correct them.

But, we've been called communists, anticonstition, government agents and tools of the Antichrist by some.

Thanks, Jim for getting the idea!
We know who the people were who got L&P archived; and we are seeing the same caliber of people showing up again, here, in L&CR.

Have you looked at some of your own threads?:rolleyes:

WildimanorphanAlaska TM
Yes, fairly peaceful... although I notice that entire threads do disappear from time to time.

I wonder whether "disappearing" them makes the same statement about unacceptable conduct that locking them and leaving them visible would make... perhaps the moderators exercise their vast, godlike powers with too much discretion at times. :)
The staff does an excellent job of holding the reins. Too much restraint stifles lively discussion, too little fosters chaos. It's a high-maintenance moderating job, to be sure, but the result is less BS, and more substance.
Some other sites have way too much personal sniping and ad hoc attacks for my taste. The worst for me, is when two posters get their backs up and a urinating competition ensues, because nothing meaningful ever follows.

Have you looked at some of your own threads?

No; but I would be willing to bet that you have.

Have I ever fomented revolution, anarchy, or armed rebellion?

Have I ever used the term "JBT" or "Jack Booted Thugs" other than in context of a reply or in defense of having been accused of having done so?

How about THIS ONE which was very respectfully debated even though some, here, thought it would be flame bait.

Or THIS ONE where it was I who invited the ladies into the discussion and it went along quite respectfully.

Those were debated by the original group before others came to play and took the threads off topic, dispensed ad homs with impunity, and generally created havoc closing threads on a regular basis -- sort of like what happened in the last ten posts of THIS THREAD.

Do you have anything to say that refutes or reinforces what I said in the thread header?
sort of like what happened in the last ten posts of THIS THREAD.

yeah. You started your Wolverine mantra:rolleyes:

Do you have anything to say that refutes or reinforces what I said in the thread header?

I surely havent done the reserach you have on every thread here, but here are some of your famous gems:

"You can die on your feet; or live on your knees."

"The United States now risks the dissolution of the Union because the current administration has simply chosen to ignore the Supreme Law of the Land."

WildhowthatforastartAlaska ™
The worst for me, is when two posters get their backs up and a urinating competition ensues, because nothing meaningful ever follows.
So true...

Honestly, I think the moderators are doing pretty well. I do realize it takes quite a bit of time to do it right.
This is one of the better firearms related legal forums I've run across.
Ok, friends - when the OP topic starts by becoming a hermeneutic evaluation of who is more inflammatory - then - God like powers are implemented.

The original point is well taken. No need to poke at each other. In fact, that's contraproductive.

Thus, hear my WORD - closed.
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