Is Kimber K6S the best revolver for under $1500?


New member
I want something with at least 6 rounds, but not too chunky. Right now, I'm considering Kimber K6S DASA with 3 inch barrel. Are there better choices out there that I'm not aware of?

Well, if it's any indication, I just sold my S&W 686 2.5" and my brand new Colt Python 2.5" because of how much I like my K6s DASA 2.5". YMMV

Oh, and welcome to the forum!

hmm...that's a kinda larger gun at 3"

I think the 686 will hold it's value more value, if that matters.

A 686 is going to have 7 rounds.

S&W 66 looks more like the K6S purpose.

I don't own the K6S, but it's hard to find an issue with the S&W line up?

$75 rebate right now for the K/L frame you're shopping. Looks like a 686 3" Plus can be had under 700 right now. I mean...hard to beat.
A 70’s S&W LNIB, would out shoot, out look and literally embarrass the Kimber.

A 70’s shooter tuned up could do it cheaper!
NOPE.......Doesn't come in usable barrel lengths.......No adjustable sights.....Only one caliber..........I don't want one....Ever.

PLUS.....What Nathan said.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts.

Kimber revolvers do come with adjustable sights if you want them. And they come in 2", 3" and 4". So what exactly is a useable barrel length?
it also happens that Kimber went with a post modern techno look that, quite frankly, looks like stepped on dog crap.
At $1500 I'll take almost anything vintage from Colt or S&W that will do exactly the same thing but in style.
it also happens that Kimber went with a post modern techno look that, quite frankly, looks like stepped on dog crap.
At $1500 I'll take almost anything vintage from Colt or S&W that will do exactly the same thing but in style.

I wish this forum had a “like button”
I sold my K6s. I do, however, really like my K6xs for concealed carry. A light weight snubby with six rounds of .38 Special has the edge over a 642 as a pocket gun, IMO.
it also happens that Kimber went with a post modern techno look that, quite frankly, looks like stepped on dog crap.
At $1500 I'll take almost anything vintage from Colt or S&W that will do exactly the same thing but in style.
Yup. What he said.
^^What they said. I'd much rather have an older Colt or Smith. I have a snub SP101 I toss in my pocket from time to time. Love that gun.
Colt and S&W can't do exactly the same thing. They have 6 shot revolvers too but they weren't designed for concealed carry. They are too big and too heavy compared to other offerings that were made for that purpose.

It you look at reviews from people who actually own these and shoot these along side all our other revolvers you'll see mostly positivity. If you look at people giving an opinion about a revolver "they would never own" well then they don't really know what they are missing quite literally.
Colt and S&W can't do exactly the same thing. They have 6 shot revolvers too but they weren't designed for concealed carry.

So tell me how my Colt Cobra isn't designed for concealed carry and the Kimber is??? :rolleyes:

I realize there are many for whom concealed carry is the priority. I'm just not one of them. For me, there is a lot more to handgunning than just concealed carry and personal defense. I know there are people who's pistols are for nothing but that, but guns optimized for that aren't on my radar, or even on my wish list.

I don't buy revolvers for CCW, I already have that well covered, so my interest in "new" CCW class revolvers is about zero, and "non-traditional" looking ones actually turn me off.

And they come in 2", 3" and 4". So what exactly is a useable barrel length?

For me, that starts at 6" and goes up some. Sold my last 4" some years ago, and I've only got one snubnose, (2") which I am keeping. The rest of my revolvers are 6" or 7.5" And I have other handguns with even longer barrels.

I'm old fashioned and cheap and if I'm going to spend $1500 on any revolver, its not going to be that Kimber.