Is it time to worry about ammo?


Hi all, my first post here. The title question is a bit rhetorical but what do you all think about the anti's refocusing their attention toward controlling ammo? How would this affect those that reload?
I've been saying it for years. They know they can't take our guns completely away so they'll work on the ammo. But everyone has just been calling me paranoid.
I think the next battles will be the push by the leftists for laws for guns that microstamp ammo casings, guns that have biometric user authentication, serial numbered and registered ammunition and bans against lead. Even with the Heller decision, it could be a bleak future for shooters.
The antis in Kalifornica have already started they assault on ammo on several different fronts. They're banning lead bullets in many areas and would like to require serial numbers and registration of all ammo purchases. But then, wouldn't your expect that from the liberal thinkers in that enlightened state???
The title question is a bit rhetorical

There is nothing rhetorical about it all, it is a fact that ammo is also under attack.

Look at California. Several other states have had microstamping measures floating around at various stages in their legislatures including one of the most gun friendly states in the country, Kentucky.

In my opinion, the antis will continue to either ban types of ammo (lead) or make it so expensive (in Kentucky the measure stated $.05 tax per round and all old unstamped ammo had to be used by 2010) and hard to get that owning a gun is no longer a concern because you can't afford ammo for it. There is more than one way to skin a cat and all of them will be attacked.
I agree fully, they can't take the guns so they'll take the ammo. I have started making arrangements to deal with pending CA law.

The ironic thing about it is making ammo more expensive hurts poor shooters more than anyone. I thought we all were supposed to take care of the poor and give them a break...

Criminals usually have plenty of money so they don't care, even if they do buy ammo legally, a dubious proposition in my mind...
I've been saying it for years. They know they can't take our guns completely away so they'll work on the ammo. But everyone has just been calling me paranoid.
I wonder how many years it will take to get the message across that I've been spouting that we need to chase the anti gun movement out of society and financially eradicate the anti 2A organizations rather than merely playing ping pong with them.
"...we need to chase the anti gun movement out of society and financially eradicate the anti 2A organizations rather than merely playing ping pong with them."

I'm with you, but how can we possibly do that?

If we have a President that agrees to concepts and methods that the UN wishes to employ throughout the world. Yes, worry about your ammunition. They want to neuter you for your own good.

Many measures that some states are taking and some that have been attempted at controlling ammunition in recent times here in the US are a reflection of the UN's

This link is a PDF file and is 38 pages long. Have a fun read.