Is it safe to pull BP bullets?


New member
I have maybe a half box of BP loaded 45 Colt ammo that I am considering unloading in order to dispose of it. Is it safe to use a kinetic bullet puller with black powder?

This box is one I purchased at a gun show maybe 35 years ago. The cases of the loaded ammo are heavily corroded and do not appear safe to fire.
I wouldn't worry about it, but to be double safe, soak them in some light oil, Stoddard solvent, or such for a few days first. I recently disassembled some old 40-82 ammo that I assumed was BP with my kinetic puller. Turned out to be some old smokeless, but no issues.
Is it safe to use a kinetic bullet puller with black powder?

That being said, there are no guarantees with old ammo of unknown history.

half a box? I'd just use pliers/vice grips and pry the bullets out. Cases are scrap and so will the slugs be if you use pliers, but scrap lead can be re-cast.

Wear heavy gloves and safety glasses, what every method you choose!

Good Luck, BE SAFE!
I don't see why it wouldn't be. There's nothing about a kinetic puller to cause a spark with lead bullets and brass cases. The powder will be as viable now as it was when it was loaded unless it got contaminated by bullet lube.
I’ve done plenty with no issues. Black powder is often compressed and will be a solid mass once the bullet is pulled, that can be broken up for removal with an awl or similar.
I appreciate all the replies. I plan on just mixing the powder with oil and disposing of it. I have no use for any of it, just want to dispose of it safely.
No reason not to pull them.
BUT: Flood with much water, not oil. Water will dissolve out the potassium nitrate and leave nothing behind but charcoal and sulfur.
Half a box (25rnds?) would only yield a bit over a couple ounces of powder, not a dangerous amount and easily safely disposed of. You could flush it, or just spread it out on some grass.