Is it legal?


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Is it legal for me, an 18 year old, to carry my rifle on a rifle rack to and from the range? Of course it would be unloaded, but I'm just curious if I may get pulled over because of it...I only have a 2 seater truck and I normally take 2 rifles and a shotgun to the range so I cant keep them all in the cab and I HATE putting them in the bed. I live in Florida
Im pretty sure its legal, at least it would be in AZ, but I would not suggest doing it. Its just screaming for some anti gun cop to pull you over
The most discreet (and safest) way to carry your long arms would be to case them and stow them behind the seat. A rifle in a gun rack in the back window is a hell of an invitation to thieves.
It would depend on YOUR STATE LAW, I would check your (Fla) statutes AND check with a local law enforcement officer. When you do, regardless of what answer he/she gives you, ask for a statute number and write down their name that way if they have told you wrong and you were to be charged it would help your case.
I have one of those diamond plate tool boxes in the bed of my pickup. It sits about a foot off the floor of the bed. I built a door and hinged it to the bottom of the toolbox. This gives me a fairly secure place for long guns.

Yes, it is perfectly legal. A long gun may be carried anywhere in a vehicle.

790.25 Lawful ownership, possession, and use of firearms and other weapons.--

(5) POSSESSION IN PRIVATE CONVEYANCE.--Notwithstanding subsection (2), it is lawful and is not a violation of s. 790.01 for a person 18 years of age or older to possess a concealed firearm or other weapon for self-defense or other lawful purpose within the interior of a private conveyance, without a license, if the firearm or other weapon is securely encased or is otherwise not readily accessible for immediate use. Nothing herein contained prohibits the carrying of a legal firearm other than a handgun anywhere in a private conveyance when such firearm is being carried for a lawful use. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the carrying of a concealed firearm or other weapon on the person. This subsection shall be liberally construed in favor of the lawful use, ownership, and possession of firearms and other weapons, including lawful self-defense as provided in s. 776.012.>2008->Ch0790->Section%2025#0790.25
I consider rifles in gun racks the same as open carry...under most circumstances it says more about the carrier than a Rohrsach :)

WildlookatmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeAlaska ™
I always thought gun racks were just a convenient way to transport a gun. I never knew it was a statement of manhood until I started reading the internet. It used to be done all the time, before guns got "creepy". Now we have to hide them.
Technically, I think the expansion of castle doctrine to the auto may have actually made rack carry illegal. Not that a single cop would mess with me up here for a racked rifle but from tall to jax and all the way south could a different situation...
790.25 (5)(5) Lawful Ownership, Possession, and Use of Firearms and Other Weapons

Florida law allows any person who can legally own a firearm to carry it in his/her vehicle without a license or permit, even loaded, so long as it is "securely encased" and "not accessible for immediate use" (and the statute plainly states that simply placing the firearm in an unlocked glove compartment or briefcase is sufficient, for example). Refer to the Car/Gun Law paragraph above.
Carrying long guns in plain view:

:cool: Been doing that for many years now. As do a lot of other folks here in Florida and Georgia. Especially during hunting season. No one has ever mentioned anything about it being illegal (because it is legal to do so here).
TRI county carry

Gunner: you don't specify where you live in Fl., I am going to have to assume its not down here in the southeast.
While it may be legal to carry it in a rack in your vehicle,it is not wise.
Down here thieves would stalk you and wait for you to leave for work.
Cops would have you pulled over every mile or so.

There are just too many prying eyes and neighbors with 91 dialed and thier finger on 1 just waiting.

I use a golf travel case to transport my long arms to the range and a backpack for my handguns.

Now outside the tri-county area its a different story. Except for the major cities you can pretty much do what you want.

I suggest a soft case behind your seat.
Here in the mountians, it's normal. Don't have one in my current vehicle but I see a few every day around town and back and forth. Never heard of anyone getting pulled.

No relevance in your state.
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It may be legal but you can still end up in trouble. I live in Louisiana. It is legal to carry a loaded gun in plain site. If your Colt .45 is in a holster on your gun belt, it's legal. Try doing that in town and you will end up in jail. Not for the gun but for disturbing the peace.
Use a little common sense, try not to offend others and be flexible. We used to have a lot of trucks with gun racks in them. It was a common sight here years ago. Most people stopped doing this because their trucks kept getting broken in to. (Even with an empty gun rack, there still might be one under the seat.) Driving into a city with guns in a gun rack is just plain stupid. You
are just asking for trouble; either from the police or from theives.
Be discreet. A soft case behind the seat is nearly invisible and you won't have the guns flying around in your cab if you had to brake suddenly, or getting launched from the vehicle if you had a wreck.
I know that would be legal in North Dakota. You would just have to have the gun unloaded. Of course the interesting thing is the legal definition of "unloaded" in the state law.

"Unloaded" means the chamber of the firearm does not contain a loaded shell. If the firearm is a revolver, then none of the chambers in the cylinder may contain a loaded shell. Handguns with a removable magazine or clip must have the magazine or clip removed from the firearm if the magazine or clip contains any loaded shells.

Want to drive with an AR-15 in the gun rack in North Dakota with a full magazine in it? Technically legal as long as the chamber is empty.:D Farmers take advantage of this with regards to shooting nuisance animals.
You can google this info online..the NRA has a site that answers this from State to State, as laws may vary from State to State.

Here in Maryland, PA, and West Va, you can transport your long gun in a truck rack and not cased, as long as it is not loaded and you are going Hunting or to a sporting event or such.

I prefer to carry my rifle or shotgun in the rack so It doesn't take up room on the floor of my SUV or in the back area. Also it keeps the scope from banging around with the case sliding around. I never put it in the rack and leave it unattended for thieves, so it is not a concern for carring it out in the open..having tented windows helps also. Keeping your Ammo in a lock box also makes it difficuilt for fast loading and this is what law enforcement is mostly concerned about. Heres a picture of my gun rack that I built for my SUV, it will carry 4 long guns very easily..2 on each side..very convient for traveling with friends and saving cargo room.


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