Is it lead?


I found some metal in a coffee can someone gave me years ago. They are barrel shape about 2" across and almost 2" tall with a hole in the middle about 1.25" across. I gave it the garage floor drop test and believe they are pretty close to pure lead. Does anyone know what they are and what alloy?

Hard telling. What part of country you in.
Years ago, before illegal, could of been fish net anchors, although the center hole seems a little large.
Balancing weights in a machine shop.
It would be best if you had a hardness tester or a place nearby that had an electronic scanner. Lot of scrap metal salvage yards have them to confirm
various metals.
If you can nick it with your thumbnail, it's likely pure lead or close enough for muzzle loading bullets.
I have some of those that I salvaged long ago. They are counterbalance weights for the sprinklers on "side roll" or Wheel Line irrigation. Mine are close to pure lead.

Yep look similar to ones we used in Nebraska when I was growing up.
Never paid much attention back then to what they were made of.
Were just heavy for as small as they were.

But still nothing like a real hardness tester to confirm.