Is it just too simple?


New member
Is it just too simple of a solution to arm the Albanians and send them back in to fight their own fight? Or even let them be the ground troops while we provide air support? Instead of spending money to ship them to other countries as refugees, spending money to feed them, spending money to house them, spending money to clothe them, spending lives and more money on ground troops to fight their war for them? Oh, but of course, Freedom in the clinton administration means freedom from want, not freedom to make your own choices...


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Yes it is too simple, especially when what you outlined is not the real purpose.

Look, this is not really about securing freedom of anything. We've established ad nauseum that this is an internal Yugo problem.

What this is really about is flexing muscle and pushing the unified "World Order" concept. NATO was set up as a defensive organization...this is pure offensive action against a country who did not threaten another NATO country.

The UN goal, as outlined in many available documents is to ultimately disarm ALL world civilians and have only Gov't agencies armed. That said, it is obvious why the Kosovos weren't sent weapons...

There are no altruistic motives here despite the hyperbole we are fed. This is pure opportunistic politics.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
John, we've already tried that once, in a little country called Vietnam. Supposedly, our original intent was to simply arm and train them. Then we decided to provide air support to help them along. Before we knew it, we had 500,000 troops over there.
Putting aside DC's analysis of the situation in Kosovo for a moment, the problem with arming any indigenous force to wage its own war is that success can only be achieved if the natives have a desire to fight.
You can give them the best equipment in the world, give them the best training and support and they will still throw their guns away and run like rabbits if they lack that fighting spirit.
I suspect that most of the Kosovars that might have possessed that courage have already been killed or otherwise neutralized. The Serbs appeared to be pretty systematic in selecting their victims. They not only eliminated those with the greatest ability to resist them, but sufficiently terrorized everyone else into running away.
While it may seem like a harsh criticism, people who flee to refugee camps generally make poor soldiers.
Most people in this world would probably surrender everything they have in exchange for one more day of life, even in the most squalid conditions, if death appeared to be the alternative.
If you don't have the courage to face death, then you have no hope of winning a war.
I haven't seen anything that indicates to me that the Kosovars are capable of winning their war, regardless of how much help they get.

"You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once"
Karanas - In our illustrious wisdom, we (the enlightened leaders of the western world, that is) disarmed (arms embargo, because at that time we rightly called the KLA a terrorist organization) the Albanian Kosovars, promising they would be protected. Let's see... Me and my ragtag friends without food, arms, or ammo, no training, and an advancing army. I wouldn't call them cowards for leaving under such circumstances. Facing death is one thing, suicide another entirely.

Back on topic - we should get the hell out of the Balkans.
“NATO is not waging war against the people of Yugoslavia; NATO is taking action against the repressive and violent policies of the Yugoslav government”

The above is from the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe Web Site.

With the above in mind I can think of several further actions for NATO. Just substitute the appropriate country in place of Yugoslavia.

1. Bomb England. Liberate Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

2. Bomb Canada. Free Quebec.

3. Bomb Spain. Free the Basques.

4. Bomb China. Free the oppressed population.

Whoops, cross out #4. We have an election coming up. Need funds to stop those war mongering Conservatives.

I'm sure other targets will become available as necessary. Please be patient.
Guess the coffers are full! I just saw this:

The Yugoslav Beta news agency said: ``NATO aircraft hit the Chinese embassy building in New Belgrade shortly before midnight. People are being pulled from the rubble.''
For the record,have any military targets been destroyed by the NATO bombings?

Better days to be,

So far NATO's hit a tractor, a train , a hospital and the Chinese embassy. I feel that the embassy was a worthwhile target considering all the nuclear technology we've given them.
At least when we pay to rebuild their country they will have state of the art medical, transportation, industrial and farming systems.
Oh yeah, NATO bombed the YUGO plant. THAT I consider justice.

[This message has been edited by DHH (edited May 07, 1999).]
The bombing campaign in Kosovo and Serbia has achieved its goal. You have forgotten Monica, haven't you?

Well, our noble Albanian friends are certainly going to get the best we can offer them.
Local news here in Alaska is that a delegation is checking out the abandoned naval base at Adak - 1500 miles off the Alaskan coast as a temporary home for Albanian refugee's.
Adak, and the Aleutians in general are the most remote, cold, windswept, godforsaken place on earth.
But, us kindly Yanks will happily stick these refugee's out there - at least they won't be tempted to apply for citizenship and hang around the US where their funny hats and accents won't annoy people!

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:

[This message has been edited by Keith Rogan (edited May 08, 1999).]
We have also attempted to provide some degree of assistance to Afghanistan to repel the Soviet invaders. Anybody else remember the old Soldier of Fortune magazine campaign about "buying a bullet to zap a Russian invader?"

As for 1998, the American public heard that Afghanistan has provided shelter for individuals and groups crying for our blood. So much for gratitude.