Is it just me or?

Daren Thompson

New member
Is it just me or could the NRA save money by not mailing members a renewel for every 2 months?
It seems to me that as soon as I renew then they start mailing renewel forms. I feel that this money could be saved to fund pro-gun programs, what does everybody else think?
I actually returned several of their notices to them, with notes saying I am already a member and I already gave you some extra money spend it for something other than letters dunning me!

BTW, I fully support the NRA, am competitor in two disciplines (Expert in both), and have just become a certified Home Firearms Saftey, Pistol, and Personal Protection instructor.

I do think the organization could do a little better job of their membership drives. It is a waste of scarce resources to beg me to join, when I belong. It is inappropriate to ask me to renew within 90 days of my renewing.

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse!

Yours In Marksmanship

I suspect that the NRA has hired a "fullfillment" outfit and just gave them the total membership list. Fullfillment companies are those that are set up for mass mailing and telemarketing.
It would be cheaper, easier to track and decrease membership irritation if the NRA organized the member data base into month base and gave that to the fullfillment people.
But what the hell, just like the government, when you don't earn the money, you don't respect it ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
just top play devil's advocate (my wife thinks I should put that on my resume as a hobby....) let's assume that DC is right (and she probably is, in one way or another..)
Perhaps it is cheaper in the long run for them to send out all the extra mail through the 3rd party than it actually would be to pay an employee or two to keep track of such things and handle the mail internally. I would think it is highly likely, given the cost of labor.

I think anyone who is really concerned about it should be-bop on over to NRA's website and tell them whatchya thinkin.
