Is It Even Possible With A P32?


New member
I don't know what other states require for their CCW classes, but in Texas you have to fire a total of 50 rounds at various distances (3, 7 and 15 yards).

Has anybody out there qualified on this or a similar course with a Kel-Tec P32? Would you even consider it possible? What kind of practiced accuracy can you wring out of a P32?
Haven't tried it. In NC you don't have to qualify with your carry gun, so there is no need to qualify with the P32 unless you want to do so. Still, the P32 is sufficiently accurate to meet standards in NC. I'm not sure about the degree of difficulty of the test in TX.

I qualified with a Sig P226 with a perfect score. It is not a difficult test. If you can shoot into a 10" target at 3 and 7 yards, you don't even need the 15 yard shots to qualify. Yes, I am pretty sure the p32 is at least that accurate.
My dealer got conned into "proving" the accuracy of the P32 at 25 yds. He put a magazine-full (6 shots, 7?) into an 8 inch circle at that distance.
It could be done by hitting all of your shots from 3 & 7 yards & you could miss most or all of the 15 yard shots.
You cannot use a .32 to qualify for your concealed carry permit in Texas though. Must be .380 or is it 9MM (?)or higher. I know you definitely cannot use a .22 or .32.
When I took my CCW in Texas, they told me you had to use a 25ACP or better...not 380. Anyone know for sure? Any instructors here?
Well, my memory must be getting rusty. I pulled out my copy of "Texas Concealed Handgun Laws 1997-1998", published by the Texas DPS. Apparently .38 or 9MM used to be the standard. My copy was edited & 9MM is lined out and .32 is substituted as the minimum caliber - VCS Art. 4413 (29ee) Sec. 16. They published this edited version in Sept. 1997 in lieu of revising the whole thing.
Yes, I am sure that you could pass our CCW exam with a P32. I did my second gun test with a Colt Mustang that had the rear sight freely sliding in the back dovetail. I just pointed it from there on out. I passed. Most of these mouse guns are perfectly accurate, the sights make utilizing the accuracy a challenge. Take your time and it won't be a problem.
From the TX DPS web site FAQs:

Q: What type of gun will I be able to carry?
A: You may carry any type of legal, concealed handgun you are qualified to use. If you wish to carry a semi-automatic weapon, you must complete your firing range test with a semi-automatic. If you do not wish to carry a semi-automatic, you may test with a revolver. You must demonstrate proficiency with a handgun of .32 caliber or above to qualify for a concealed handgun license.
OK, I must've misunderstood...

My instructor probably said it had to be better than a 25, not a 25 or better. BTW, does anyone from the Houston area know what happened to Mike from Rangemaster? If he's still teaching someplace I want my mom, fiance, and friend to take a course from him. E-mail me if anyone knows...thanks!
My wife can shoot 4 to 6 inch groups with her P32, slow aimed fire, at 7 yards. Have not tried it at longer ranges since it's really intended for close encounters of the .32 kind.

I can't shoot it worth a darn. Like Will Smith and his "Noisy Cricket" in MIB, I'm afraid I'm gonna break the damn thing. Oh well.
Yes, I have qualified with my P32. The Texas CHL (Concealed Handgun License) qualification, as stated above, is 20 rounds from 3 yards, 20 rounds from 7 yards, and 10 rounds from 15 yards with a total score of 70% or better required shooting into a "typical" silhouette target where center mass and head shots = 5 points, lower abdomen and outer chest shots = 4 points, and limb shots = 3 points. To all of this, the Texas LEO qualification adds 10 shots at 25 yards. While the 15 and 25 yard shots are unrealistic for the purpose of the P32, they are still possible to make.