Is gun control racist?

Look at the ethnic makeup of areas where there is the greatest infringement.

Isn't the subtext really "we just can't have those (insert racial moniker) folks carrying any gun they want, any time they want. I wonder if this isn't the proverbial elephant in the room that anti gunners don't really want to talk about.

I don't care how many poster children they shove in front of a camera, maybe it's time we lifted the vale and exposed their agenda for what it really is.
gun control is originally based on color or ethnic background.
It's strange that the groups most subjugated are the one's most in favor of gun control.

How is it that anyone, on this board, can even ask the question?

Two of the 40+ amici briefs for Heller directly answered this. Which prompts me to ask, is there a point to this thread?
Of course there is a point to the thread . Discussion of uncomfortable issues such as the Racist roots of the restriction of a civil right always has a place imho .

Nowadays ( since a segment of our society is bared from being Racist ) it is " Classist " ie.. they will legislate to control poor folk of any color's access to firearms . This is done by making any permitting scheme expensive and difficult , writing legislation to ban affordable handguns ( think of the cheap pocket pistols of years gone by , which no matter how badly made were all some could afford ), or outright bans on possession such as SF housing projects . I submit that this is " Racist" only in the sense that many of the poor are minority people , but it equally effects anyone of limited means or on a fixed income . The exact same people least able and least likely to take the laws to court . While " Progressive thinkers " will virtually riot over anything " Racist" ( even if the " Racism " of a given incident exists only in the minds of a few vocal media whores ) the disenfranchisement of an entire class of Americans seems in fact to be encouraged by them.
If you sort CCW's by zip code here in Los Angeles, you find that Beverly Hills and similar areas with high crime rates (heh) have CCW's but low crime (heh)paradises like Compton don't need them.

It is racist and elitist by result, as the original law was by intent.

The moves to make owning a gun more expensive, ammo less available, closing down ranges all impact lower income people disproportionately.

I giggle when I listen to the Bloombergs and Feinstains tell me I don't need my arms. They have armed security details and live in mansions with elaborate security systems costing more than I can make in year.

Police and polticians in leftist enclaves such as LA and SF are generally comfortable only with cops, criminals and campaign contributors carrying concealed. The rest of us are too dangerous.
Bloombergs and Feinstains tell me I don't need my arms. They have armed security details

And I would bet they are on a first name basis with their chief of police and have a direct line to his/her office.
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It is racist and elitist by result, as the original law was by intent.

The moves to make owning a gun more expensive, ammo less available, closing down ranges all impact lower income people disproportionately.

I don't find it racist but I do find it elitist. The end result is to take guns out of everyone's hands that aren't rich and powerful.
I guess it depends on our definition of "racist" ... if one race commits more violent crime, and an area has a lot of people of that race and therefore has a lot of violent crime, and laws are passed in an attempt to address the violent crime problem ... some people call that "racist".
Antipitas ~

I'd be willing to wager that, if people were honest, most participants on TFL have not read the amici nor the dissenting opinion for Heller -- and have, at most, merely skimmed through the majority decision in that case.

Some may have read Clayton Cramer's "Racist Roots of Gun Control," but more have probably only read what other people said about that work.

It's difficult to have a meaningful discussion with people who haven't done their homework, but the important thing is that most folks really are trying to keep up.

As for the thread topic itself: yes, gun control was racist in its origins and has been racist in its implementation in many cases. But it does our side little good to say so unless we also present the absolute facts alongside the allegation. Repeating the allegation itself just makes us sound like nutjobs, even though it's the absolute truth. If you haven't done your homework and cannot cite your facts, there's really no point in saying anything about it.

Racism was of course the reason for discretionary approvals. If you look at the the any of the requirements to get a approval from a local chief of police, often entailing a face to face meeting, the unstated purpose was to determine the applicants' race. Today things have evolved a bit more. Now, at least in California, it's more to see if they recognize you from any of the sheriff's campaign fund raisers - and yes I'm serious.
I guess it depends on our definition of "racist" ... if one race commits more violent crime, and an area has a lot of people of that race and therefore has a lot of violent crime, and laws are passed in an attempt to address the violent crime problem ... some people call that "racist".

I am a White middle aged Male who currently resides and ranches in a county of colorado so rural that in spite of having a major highway thro it ( US 287 ) does not have a single stoplight , or bypass . We per capita have few minoritys , and fewer violent crimes which are mostly done by drunken white teens and rise to the level of a bloody nose . We have a homocide every 30 to 40 years and a social dispute involving guns every 3 or 4 so i am in no place to comment on any race being more violent than any other . I do however see folks on fixed incomes that dont meet the bills , and in fact have done some ftf purchaces of " family heirlooms " which i always try and price just on the cheap side of fair which has been $400+ more than the other " gun nuts " in the area offered on a few items ( my rule of thumb is to offer $50 less than i can get for it tomorrow or $100 less than i can get for it if i have to hang onto it for a while given a collectible, but i once paid $250 for a junk iver johnson while leaving a nice browning .25 just because the lady needed the $$ and this way she was not " begging the .gov " which was something she said to me .
Point is taking her as an example had she sold her functional pistol there is no way she could have possibly replaced it with anything . Granted a .25 isnt much but she got it from her nightstand to show it to me hoping i would buy ONE of them . She also was white . Tho we here have " lax " gunlaws according to the progressive thinkers they had virtually succeeded in disarming her and many like her . This is the hidden face of gun control , and the point of my original post . We mostly laff at Davis , Jennings , Bryco , High Point , some of us Kel-Tec as a few examples of guns we dont want to own . However many have went out of business and i assure you it was not lack of sales , rather legislation . When spending an extra $75 means a single mom and kids eat " mac and cheese" for a month as a balanced meal well you start to grasp what it costs to put teeth in that piece of paper the court hands out ( restraining order ) . Folks here still hurt other folks , steal from other folks , albeit at a lower per capita rate because parents here still parent . Poor folks here however are also affected by gun legislation just like poor folks in the citys . A ccw in Colorado costs $150.00 to apply for the first time , just how out of reach is that for many . Even many " middle class " who live check to check would have to save for a $150 out of pocket due to debts ( or go to the mentioned mac and cheese , possibly with sale tuna lol ) . Racist gun control...., well where YOU live it might be , where i live it affects the folks who dont have much and are just trying to get by without regard to race and hell all we get is trickle down effects as we have no local and few state laws in colorado , tho that will change as more escape CA to the front range and become a " voting block " Its funny how they want out of CA but want to bring CA with them to CO lol .

'd be willing to wager that, if people were honest, most participants on TFL have not read the amici nor the dissenting opinion for Heller -- and have, at most, merely skimmed through the majority decision in that case.

Pax you are partially right lol I have not read all the briefs pre heller , and am only now ( having carefully read the majority opinion ) getting beyond the skim of the dissents . Its a tough read for me because frankly i am having trouble "connecting the dots" in the dissent opinions as well as making sense of the majority opinion as authored . Some of both opinions strike me as grade school playground taunts rather than scholarly discussion . I guess tho in the day of soundbytes this is what our republic is reduced to . As a person who is proud to hold a GED ( read that how you will , but i am not a " well educated man, in fact i consider myself one step above functionally illiterate" tho i have taken some college courses which were all passed dealing with LE , constitutional law( as it applys to LE ) , and computing i am frankly surprised as to the way this opinion was written on both sides . I expected better . Not more concise , rather less sniping at the other side by both the majority opinion and the dissent . What ever happened to " We can be gentlemen and agree to disagree ? " especially among our scholars and justices .
How is it that anyone, on this board, can even ask the question?

Regardless of whatever the historical roots of gun control may be, the question isn't 'Was gun control racist?', but rather 'Is gun control racist?'.

One should hardly need to point out the importance of shedding light on the matter, to the extent that it may be true.
Many of the cause celebres of the American left are rooted in racism. The origin of the gun control movement is racist just as the origin of Planned Parenthood is racist. Since this is a gun site we'll focus our discussion on the gun control side. If you want information about the racist origins of Planned Parenthood just PM me.
In his message to Congress urging passage of what are known as the Ku Klux Acts-the first Federal Civil Rights Laws, IIRC-President Grant (he was also
President of the NRA) stated that among the Klan's many crimes was that "they have conspired to deny Negro citizens the right to own and bear arms."
Regardless of whatever the historical roots of gun control may be, the question isn't 'Was gun control racist?', but rather 'Is gun control racist?'

Certainly it has racist roots, as noted, and yes, it still is racist. Now you know. ;)
gun control is originally based on color or ethnic background.
It's strange that the groups most subjugated are the one's most in favor of gun control.


Yup. Here's a link to a paper on the phenomenon. Also interesting is the attraction of many blacks to the practice of Islamic religion, the very people who most brutally captured blacks and sold them into slavery early on.
The question of whether some old gun control laws were originally racist is entirely different from the question of what motivates anti-gun folks now. I cannot believe that racism is the root of most anti-gun feeling today.
I cannot believe that racism is the root of most anti-gun feeling today.

I would agree with that statement. I think most folks on both sides of the gun control argument do revere life above all.

But even if not intentional or capricious, many gun laws disproportionately impact those who need a weapon the most: those who, due to economic and other factors, live in high crime areas which also have a concentrated minority population.