Is Dr. Ignatius Piazza totally nuts?

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I can't understand how he can run Front Sight as a business and keep its head above water. Well - I'm sure he's not. His ambitious projects are grand - and I like the idea... But what he is doing it not making sense to me.
He is discounting his product by shocking degrees.
Now - I am not advocating this school or advertising for them... I just want this explained to me.
Earlier this year they gave away SMG Classes, including the ammo. They are running a 50% special right now on their $500, three day class. And if you buy a GOA life membership - You can have that same 3 day class for FREE.
As I understand it - everything Front Sight is doing is very expensive - all the ammo, all the construction they got planned - and they are also doing this buy back thing - for an SKS, they'll give you 500 dollars worth of training. An SKS was 69 dollars not too long ago!

I dont get it.
I can see what Dr. Piazza is trying to do... get market position over GunSite and ThunderRanch... get those elite teams from the Navy and Police departments out there and bil the hell out of them. But thats not going to pay off for some time.
Even if C-130's start landing on his strip today... he will still be behind the 8-Ball for years to come.

I dont know - I just want to get my bank loans where he got his.
I don't really know, but I've assumed all along that it was all advertising for his "masterplanned community" for the mega-rich gun owner. A short search turned up his letter of complaint about the way the NRA has treated him.

Why Does the NRA Refuse to Support Front Sight?
A Letter from Dr. Ignatius Piazza

"My name is Dr. Ignatius Piazza. I am the Founder and Director of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute. I am building the world's only 550 acre, resort quality, firearms training facility and masterplanned community near Las Vegas, Nevada."

John again. This is the first paragraph. I was going to post the entire letter, but decided it was too long. In closing, I'm thinking million-dollar lots for houses.
You know - My heart goes out to Ignatius.
He really is trying VERY HARD to make this thing work and have a positive influence in the shooting community.
I have my reservations about Front Site - but... I don't know. He's like the Underdog... I'm rooting for him. :D

All members of TFL that have gone to F.S. have all come back very positive.

And in my opinion the NRA's treatment was just plain wrong. Just because there was an SMG in the add. Please.
Ya know.... it is little things like this that keeps me from joining the NRA. Until the NRA get some balls, my money will keep going to someone else.

Wisdom only comes when the mouth closes and the mind opens.
Well - it's near Vegas. Thats not very far from me. I can be to FRONT SITE in a fast 5 hour drive from my house. Thats one tank of gas. Stay at a room in Vegas... lets see...
Altogether - about 60 bucks to get there... eat well, get a good nights sleep, and wake up and slip into one of these classes.

I just may have to do that.
Sometimes I am just so pissed at the NRA.
They need some damn backbone.
I wanna see them go on the offensive.
You know, George, I agree wholeheartedly about the NRA. They betrayed me and all machine gun owners in 1986. I haven't forgotten it, either. For all that, I'm a NRA member and will be upgrading that membership to Life soon. Just talking with our opponents will demonstrate why. The NRA is their buggerman not the GOA (I'm a Life Member already). Ask a MMM'er about the GOA...who? Anybody read the article about NRA membership in the Blue Press?

One thing will change the NRA-our voting memberships. If everyone who moaned about the NRA's done this or that would join and maintain their membership then we could change the NRA's policies, increase the number of members exponentially, and turn it into a truly fearsome political force.

Byron Quick
Unless you also plan to go to Vegas, specifically, don't room there. Get a room in Pahrump (sp?) instead. In spite of what their literature says, they aren't 30 minutes from Vegas - they're an hour, easily, while Pahrump is about 30 minutes.

They did the same thing while they were in Bakersfield. They claimed they were 15 minutes from town, but it was really 40 from the closest motel. And that was when nobody was herding sheep on the road (really).
No man - they are only 30 minutes... I drive a Supra.


Kidding - I dont know - never been there... Yet.

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited October 05, 2000).]
I know Pahrump. I lived there for awhile, wish I could go back. That was the only place I have ever lived where I could go rabbit hunting in my back yard. :)

Wisdom only comes when the mouth closes and the mind opens.