Is Big Brother really watching? I have no doubts that they are...


New member
Picked this up from my home page,the only thing I didnt find out was how they caught him(did someone report it, etc. etc.)
Brazilian Charged in U.S. Bomb Threat

NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - A Brazilian citizen appeared in court Thursday accused of sending an e-mail message threatening to leave a van filled with explosives in a Hudson River tunnel linking New Jersey and New York City. The FBI arrested Renato DeSousa Flor Wednesday, eight hours after
he allegedly sent the e-mail, using the address'' from Newark, New Jersey to an America Online (AOL) bulletin board in Virginia.

Only 8 hours after he posted it?..Makes me wonder just how closely we are being watched.

"What is steel to the hand that weilds it?" James Earl Jones
I think it was mentioned on CNN Headlines that somebody at the BB saw it, notified AOL, and after that it was simple.

FWIW, any electronic message which is some type of radio message, as opposed to purely land-line, is recorded by NSA. "Key Words" are monitored by their computers, and automatic printouts appear for such words as "bomb" or "cocaine", etc.
Just a question for the more knowledgable out there.

How easy is it to credibly spoof an e-mail. I know in the past a friend of mine sent me an e-mail that appeared to come from the White House. If I had been more sophisticated would I have easily been able to trace who had originally sent this message? Especially if you are a system operator, say at a University or an internet provider, how easy would it be to frame someone you don't like by sending a threat ostensibly from his account?
Sending an e-mail from a fake e-mail address is extremely easy, and can be impossible to trace with out the full co-operation of the system administrator of the server it was sent from, and completely impossible if they don't log all activity.

"The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important then either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental."

[This message has been edited by Caeca Invidia Es (edited December 23, 1999).]
get an aol cdrom
fake a cc number
log on
one free weekend of untraceable email