is anyone preparing?

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just wondering if anyone is preparing for a possible outbreak of Ebola in the states, or wherever you hail from. Not trying to start a SHTF type thread, just want to know what provision you feel is necessary to make for an event that most likely won't happen. It's hard for me o spend time and money on a remote possibility of a crisis, but then, that's the exact mistake that get everyone in trouble. I am going to start this weekend, rather than wait for people to get more antsy in the weeks to come. not planning on going nuts, but will do the small absolute necessary things. 14 days of canned and dry-food for my family of three, 20-30 gallons of fuel, 3 full respirators and some disposable masks, several boxes of glove, hand sanitizers and duct tape.

Being a paramedic, I have a stash of "nice-to-have" stuff that I will most likely never need. like mainly fluid isolation gear and haz-mat type suits. I have many bottles of o2 and a ton of emergency medical equipment. water is my least concern since I have a 35,000 gallon swimming pool and will boil if needed.

is anyone else concerned with the dallas ebola? s anyone else taking pre-cautions? if this thread needs to be moved or is just plain inappropriate, I won't feel bad moderators. I was just trying to get a pulse on what the people are feeling about this stuff and what they plan to do to make provisions. I am not a SHTF nut, I barely keep 2 days f food on hand at a time, we pretty much just get take out every night since we work so much, so this will be my first ever attempt at trying to have an emergency food/consumeables supply. where to start?

I keep hearing people talk about respirators, correct me if I am wrong but Ebola is not air born, it is contracted through bodily fluids.

Personally I am not worried about an all out epidemic in the US. The reason it is so hard to contain in Africa is because the lack of medical care these people are getting. Hospitals are having to turn away people who are infected because they don't have the resources to treat them, in turn these people are infecting their families and others they are close to and just contributing to the problem.
just wondering if anyone is preparing for a possible outbreak of Ebola in the states
You're 8 times more likely to die from being struck by lightning than you are from Ebola
Squinted quite carefully at this, put on my best glasses and even used a magnifying scope.

Still can't see how it's gun-related at all, let alone topical of tactics & training.

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