Is anyone here a converted CONTRIBUTING anti gunner?


Has anyone here ever CONTRIBUTED to any of the anti gun groups?

I know, the thought of giving hard earned $$ to those liars turns my stomach too, but I'm curious if anyone USED to be a contributing member of some anti gun group.

I'm betting I'll get 100% "no"s so here's a follow up question: DOES ANY OF YOUR SPOUSES OR GIRLFRIENDS CONTRIBUTE TO ANY ANTI GUN GROUP?
Used to donate to united way in the late 70s being a nice guy, The Girl scouts of America gave there portion to HCI. Now I don't. I don't buy the cookies either to bad I miss the samoas
I was never an anti, but I used to not care when I was an idiotic teen, so that is just as bad in my book.
I changed my tune when the Clinton communism screwed me out of cool stuff before I was legally old enough to buy.
After that I became a concerned citizen.
After that I became a gun owner.
After that I actively try to avoid giving my money to buisnesses and organizations that are for the destruction of the 2A.

It is hard not to have to contribute without refusing to wear sack cloth, eat or drink with severly limited choices or have some sort of entertainment that isn't generated by yourself. But, I do the best I can.
I once signed a petition to continue the assault weapons ban. This was a long long long time ago and I was just a little kid. Ok, ok so it was like 4 years ago and I was 18. This was back when I assumed that the federal government's definition of an assault weapon meant a fully automatic rifle. They never told me that they just mean a semi-automatic rifle with an ergonomic grip on it. Now that I am enlightened, I wouldn't sign the petition even if it was for FAs.

Ironically, it was the Virginia Tech incident that made me think about gun control in different way. That, combined with the fact that the state I live in and love has some of the most lax gun laws in the country and also nearly the least crime.
I never contributed to an anti-gun group, but I think that's a very high standard to ask about. Very few people contribute to anti-gun groups. They tend to be funded by either by a very few rich individuals, or by a rich foundation (like the Joyce foundation) or group. I have had friends in the past who were rabid anti's in any discussion, but I don't know of any of them actually joining/supporting an anti-group.

On the other hand, just about every fiercely pro-gun person I know is a member of either NRA or GOA. Sometimes both.

Like many other's here, as a young man I was not concerned about gun rights and just kind of assumed they'd be whittled away as I got older and disappear. An outdated right, something unavoidable.

Then when Colorado started debating shall issue concealed carry in '98/'99 I got interested in the issues, and started reading the various writings and studies. That's when I realized the anti-groups were just plain anti-gun and pro-ban irregardless of the facts, and casually made things up or incited fear based on irrational viewpoints. When a group's whole base of arguments is made up of half truths and outright falifications, you've got to red flag the whole cause.

And while the NRA can certainly spin a study too, even if you reject the more outlandish pro-gun studies and just look at the studies one can assume to be neutral or even generic and not intended to support/dispute gun views, outlawing guns would NOT bring us down to a murder rate like is seen in England or one of those countries that the anti-gun groups keep pointing too. All it would do is disarm those of us who are willing to keep and use guns for self defense.

So I was never a card carrying anti-gun guy, but it's the anti-gun groups that turned me into a card carrying pro 2nd amendment guy.

Ironic, eh?