Is anyone familiar with cook county gun laws?


i live in south chicago, it's not the safest place on earth. the only things i am sure of is that handguns are prohibitted as are assault weapons. i hear mixed things about rifles and shotguns. i have looked online and asked around but noone seems to know. also, if i purchase a firearm, and brought it with me to a family members house to defend them for "various reasons", would that be illegal? the only people i know with firearms live out in indiana, they aren't much help.
In Chicago only the cops are allowed to have handguns. I am sure this is to protect them when they get drunk and beat up civilians in bars. If an altercation develops we wouldn't want common citizens able to defend themselves against out of control LEO's.
I lived in Chicago for quite a while.

Get your FOID card and you can have approved shotguns and rifles (pretty much anything that is semi-auto or can hold numerous rounds is a no-go).

I had to get by with just my birdgun and I left all my pistols and real rifles with family in IN.

Good luck.
Just curious, can you have a lever-action?

A short 16" Rossi Puma in .357 magnum is a quite capable manstopper, quick and easy to handle, too.
No offense intended, but why would anyone who shoots or participates in shooting sports, hunting, etc. want to live in Chicago (or NYC for that matter) with their restrictive gun laws??

Daley and Bloomberg are at the head of the list of liberal mayors that want to outlaw guns.
i grew up here. i have only ever used other people's guns in other states. thanks to those who had input on my question. i also think it's rediculous that civilians can't legally defend ourselves to any real extent, especially with the gang and drug problems here. i don't have a foid card yet, i was not sure if they were vaild in city limits but i called a loal gun shop and they explained it. turns out the shops only 15 minutes away.:D
In Chicago "pistols cannot be registered". If you are found with one in a car (I was about thirty years ago) you'll be routinely arrested and given a court date. As this was a registration only charge for someone w/ no record the case was thrown out. The judge was required by the elder Daley's order to keep the gun which they cannot do. That would mean an appeal which would be too expensive for a cheaper gun or one with no sentiment.

You can't have a laser sight on a pistol (at least) as a cop was shot and killed with one. You can't have a pistol grip shotgun like a Mossberg 500 (/) as that is reaaally EVIL! But the same gun with a stock is OK. However they may be some Fed rules on not putting a sole pistol grip on a formerly stocked shotgun. There is the usual idiot persecution of so-called assault rifles and ditto for the County as regards sales. You can't run a gun shop within a quarter mile of a park (which can be challenged for about 10 grand if you want to go into Federal court. You can't have a gun shop within a quarter mile of a school. You are not even supposed to publicly display guns in such a shop (there are none) and if you have a gunsmith he must report with work order received at the main police station by 12 noon. You also need a special Deadly Weapons license for a gun shop on top of all others. If you're in the county there is a $500 yearly license for state police "inspections" which they don't want to do as it is a waste of time.

As there is no Republican party in Chicago now due to stupid planning of Republicans who abandoned the city to Daley they have since found his poison is spreading beyond the city. The state rifle Ass'n is fighting statewide persecution of an old shooting range, an assault on an old shotgun range in Naperville (No lead shot due to proximity of water) and assorted other laws. As the statehouse (Democrat) is run by a Chicago blow dried twit (anti-gun) they should have passed some anti-gun stuff through a committee or two (which they did) but the state budget is up for grabs and they are at each other's throats. The black prince who took over the head of the Cook County Board from his father wants huge tax increases and the Great Whore himself in the city wants increases in sales, restaurant, parking, property, and other taxes. There should be riot and ruin in the streets but the welfare mob and illegal alien hordes can't complain. They will be bled dry as will their employers and landlords. That's why the city and county are losing population. It is a matter of flee rather than fight.

I live in a Puerto Rican area which was previously Jewish and Polish in large measure. When the Ricans hit there was a huge downward turn in things which resulted in high crime and arson with this latter activity being a late night social activity. Once the locals figured they were burning themselves out of the area it slowed a bit. Eventually things calmed down but this is no an area for married white people and not fit for most middle class Puierto Ricans with kids. When Daley began massively restricting movement into the park across the street through extreme traffic controls it got so bad that everyone couldn't get into the place easily during the Puerto Rican week festival. This traffic strangulation was intended to keep the population under control and also happened to coincide with increases in property values and rents. Masses of Ricans disappeared. While that happened there were also two huge intrusive Puerto Rican flags put about a half mile apart on Division street in order to placate the Ricans. Also brass plaques were put in the sidewalks declaring this to be "Paseo Boricua". All the while the area was being depopulated and Ricans were selling out at a profit or being moved out by the actual property owners. To keep them happy Daley came up with his plan to build some housing centers of middle class type complete with stores, etc. This will keep the Ricans deluded and content if they have not already moved. One such project went well to the west of my area and caused a protest about letting in gangbangers to what was almost low cost racially restricted housing. One large building at a corner of the park has now been converted to a condo offering instead of low cost rental. The whores who got city aid in setting up those projects decided (I guess) they were getting too many of the wrong people applying for rentals. Condos mean more fees. Now: The Ricans are getting screwed and deluded. Regardless they know all those "programs" are going to cost them money and it will flow down into rental and living costs. I will come to the rescue with a creative program of outreach aimed at encroaching yuppies to the east and Ricans right in this neighborhood. For some time I've been wanting to start a sailing boat club (there is a lagoon across the street) which would feature the pirate and sailing era from the 15th century to the Span Am war and everything in between. That would be augmented by a model airplane club aimed at younger modelers who could fly planes indoors if not outside. Now all of this would be related to art, culture, model building, real boat building, and above all, lots of military history. That means GUNS.

My delusional megalomania and hallucination is to use the model building end of things to support a local political revolutionary movement called the Rum and Plunder Party whose exclusive function would be to obtain blood vengeance against the establishment at the City, County, and State level. There would also be a proposal to have a portion of the county secede from Cook. I think the thought would go over well. Such a proposal was made a couple years back but it was totally phony and was to induce Lord Daley to give people at the south end of the county money. Anyway it would be lots of fun. I have done this sort of thing before and run political petitions. But there is a lot of preliminary work to do.

Send to the ATF on the east coast and apply for a C&R license. It will come with all then current state gun laws.