I've seen three episodes and I can't decide if I'm going to continue to let the TiVo record them.
So far, you can almost set your watch as the script "unfolds."
Someone will wander in with a basic idea... top dog owner guy will then create the whole project with almost zero input from the customer, at some ungodly horrific expense as if
millionaires walk through the gun shop's front door on a daily basis. He'll "fabricate" the whole thing "from scratch."
He agrees on a deal, usually north of $10,000. Then he runs downstairs and tells his crew what he wants. Then the crew goes to work. ONE of them will screw something up and the big bossman will be annoyed, jump in and do
that part himself.
The gun will get done and the customer will fall all over himself at the incredible product.
There will also be one trip in the helicopter to some multi-millionaire's home where some guy will (for an unknown reason since he's in a 10-million dollar home) need to sell 20-50 guns. They haggle over a price, shoot a couple, big bossman makes some "really tough" shot to impress the owner, maybe even tie it in to the cost of the deal. Then bigbossman will throw down banded currency and when they can't agree, he'll put precious metals on top of the cash with some cute quip and the deal will get done.
Along the way, there will be some minor conflict between characters on the show... bro/sis, bigbossman/wife, etc etc. They will occasionally use some transitional song or tune recycled from a Pawn Stars episode.
It's better than daytime TV, but the show is even better when the sound is on mute and the screen is turned off. I most enjoy the episodes when they are on upstairs, and I'm down in the man cave at the load bench.