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New member
What should be done about this?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> The American Civil Liberties Union has finally taken position on the issue of the 2nd:

"We believe that the constitutional right to bear arms is primarily a collective one, intended mainly to protect the right of the states to maintain militias to assure their own freedom and security against the central government. In today's world, that idea is somewhat anachronistic and in any case would require weapons much more powerful than handguns or hunting rifles. The ACLU therefore believes that the Second Amendment does not confer an unlimited right upon individuals to own guns or other weapons nor does it prohibit reasonable regulation of gun ownership, such as licensing and registration." -ACLU public statement.

"Anachronistic" is putting it mildly. Even if one high court in the U.S. would rule that the 2nd Amendment does mean, "every man can own a gun," the amendment itself would later be determined antiquated and useless by a higher court. The second amendment is as antique and as useless as the third amendment to the constitution, which says our government can't burst your door down without permission, take your male occupants and enroll them forcefully in the army; it has to be done "in a manner prescribed by law."[/quote]

This was found on a HCI advocate's page while searching for, "guns." The above is just the tip of the iceberg. Read some of this garbage yourselves and then respond.

Just a thought, we could spam his email among others…

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited May 31, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited May 31, 1999).]
One thing I have done is to E-mail Honey B. Sweet and Joe:

The picture listed on this clowns website is a clear violation of copyright laws since no credit is given to the photographer or the model (Picture of the naked lady with a gun)

Honey and Joe do not take kindly to unauthorised use of their copyrighted pictures. They have gone after some major pay for picture sites for using their work, and have been very successful in shutting them down. Honey and Joe were mentioned in several usenet groups for their efforts to stop the spread of illegal and pirated works via the internet.

the autopsy photo is pirated too, it is from a textbook, ihave seen the photo before, just cant remember which book. i notice he gives no credit to the author in this case either. amazing amount of circular thinking on that site. he pats himself on the back for the number of visits, and records that appx. 10% wre "gun nuts". he doesn't say who else commented in the negative(if any) leaving you to assume all others were positive. his figures are suspect, being mostly the result of "junk science".
what a waste of net space.

after thinking , i still don't remember the title, but it is a coroners' text book, showing typical injury patterns from different mechanisms of injury..

[This message has been edited by cmore (edited June 02, 1999).]
Is the ACLU saying the 2nd amendment is to establish National Guard Units in defense against US Army Units?

That is stupid.

Hey guys,
I'm new to this forum so please be gentle.

Let me get this right. The power of the citizenry to self govern and the ability to defend that right is Constitutionally mandated to the National Guard??? What the heck is up with that???

"If we make peaceful revolution impossible, we make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK
Interesting, isn't it?

The ACLU feels the National Guard (an adjunct of the federal Military) is the Constitutional protection against that same gov't, hence fulfillment of the 2nd A; but then by that same logic the Sup Court protects our Constitutional rights so there is no need for the ACLU.

Look folks, no one, not even the leaders of the anti gun movement believe this drivel...its parroted to convince the uninformed and ill-educated.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Kinda funny, that if this is the case - the Guard is trained by the US ARMY, outfitted by the US ARMY, and under STRICT ORDERS from the US ARMY.

The ACLU is totally ignorant of reality.

If they are NOT calling the Guard a militia... then they are talking about a seperate State Militia... I dont know about you guys - but I have seen some "Militia" men, and I wouldn't trust them to guard my wifes old Geo.... let alone take up protecting my safety.
I have seen ads for Officer positions open for 5 bucks in the local "Militia."

How did people like the ACLU figure out that in all the individual right in the Bill of Rights - that the second amendment is actually a collective right?

Mental Giants...

I bet these guys could build a perpetual motion machine!

They are so full of fantasy!

Well if you look at the author's home page his comment about his hero's, and Hillary Clinton as a "Hot Femanist Babe" (pardon me but lunch is on it's way up) sums it all up. I really think his sister would be alive if she had had a gun and shot first. OBTW, for the entire ACLU stance, read the ACLU website, not his taken out of context quote. The ACLU has maintained this stance from the beginning, flacid as it is. He(the author) makes it sound like it just happened. The ACLU has had this position, published in the exact same manner for 27 years that I know of.

John/az2: No they haven't been removed. The links are at the bottom of the page. I suspect the crud that owns the site figures, and rightly so, that any pro gun person would lose interest or vomit long before getting to the end. The pictures a for shock value.

Hal is right about the ACLU stance....I've had a direct link on my website since the beginning...this isn't new, and actually this guy makes it seem they are more forceful, not really, they are disinterested in the 2ndA...another indictment of ACLU hypocracy

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Being an NRA member, I don't think I've been insulted more times. I tried to read his page to see his point of view, but he just wanted to throw too many jabs... It just goes to show he's closed his mind, because he has all the answers. It'd be a pity if America banned all firearms and then found a leader with all the answers. Didn't Hitler have all the answers?

Join the NRA!!!
It's certainly no news that the ACLU likes to avoid the Second Amendment altogether, there have been precious few lawsuits where they were involved AND there was an issue of gun rights. I believe one was within the last ten years and involved a public housing area that banned handguns - some residents challenged that from the angle that because they were poor and had to live there, they were being deprived of their civil liberties. Of course, the ACLU hypocrites spun the issue some other way to avert attention from the firearms issue.

I'm not surprised at the ACLU's stance on this. After all, that organization has it's genesis back in the McCarthy era - you know, when admitted Communists needed legal representation. They have shrugged off much of the commie-sypathizer image, but it seems that they've retained some core philosophy from way back then. Similarly, the BATF boys still behave like their still-smashing "Revenooer" forebears. The rotten apple always falls close to the tree.
Kodiac: There's a world of difference between the word "militia" of the 18th and 19th centuries, and today's self-styled "Militia" groups.

Per the historical and the legal meaning, all able-bodied males between the ages of (about) 17 to 45 are the militia.