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Is a TFL Moderator Defending Hateful Speech?

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New member
Judge for yourself:


For a discussion aid, here's an article in the Boston Globe:

Let's not use words that wound

March 25, 2007

I like to believe that it's a lack of thought and not meanness that makes people use words that hurt. That they're going with the flow, following the crowd, saying what everyone else is saying with no intent to wound.

But words do wound.

My granddaughter Lucy is 3 years old. She has dark blonde hair, green eyes, and Down syndrome.

Even before she was born, I bristled at the use of the word: "That outfit looks retarded." "He's a retard." "I'm not driving all the way over there. That's retarded." It was mostly teenagers who said it then, and twenty somethings.

Now the word has gone mainstream. It's on TV. In movies. On the radio. In books. In music. It was the title of a Black Eyed Peas hit song, "Let's Get Retarded," which was changed (because the ARC of the United States, formerly known as the Association for Retarded Citizens, wrote and objected?) to "Let's Get It Started."

But it played to sell-out crowds as "Let's Get Retarded" because retarded is a popular West Coast term that, according to Songfacts.com, is "chanted at clubs and dances and used in everyday slang" and means "to go crazy on the dance floor" (synonyms are "Go Dumb" and "Get/Go Stupid").

The word is also all over the Internet.

Retarded has even spawned new words: celebutard, a famous stupid person; debutard, a rich stupid person; e-tard, a stupid Internet user -- stupid being the common denominator, and "tard" a suffix and a word in itself. ("Tard: Adjective used to describe one so retarded, they do not deserve the 're' " -- Urban Dictionary.)

Which is why the Massachusetts Department of Mental Retardation must change its name. And soon.

Originally known as the Division of Mental Retardation under the Department of Mental Health, it kept "mental retardation" in its title when it changed its name 20 years ago.

Even then, retarded was a word with too much baggage. But now it's worse, bringing back movie images of wards full of dull-eyed people with mismatched clothes, bad teeth, and shuffling gaits. The village idiot, mocked and scorned.

Hollywood gave us these pictures of the mentally challenged. Maybe they were accurate at the time; maybe they weren't. What is unarguable is that they are not a picture of the cognitively disabled now.

Now is different. Now is a better world for all people with any kind of disability. Now there's inclusion and handicap access and Braille and aides and closed caption TV and community support and group homes and amazing amounts of empathy and understanding.

Which makes the use of the word retard by people who should and do know better, curious. Why the surge in use of this word now?

Lindsay Lohan has used it. Paris Hilton. Britney Spears. Courtney Love. Bill Maher. It's out there being said by the rich and famous.

Two steps forward, one step back.

Words matter.

Yes. No.

Come back.

Go away.

It's benign.

It's malignant.

Learning disabled. Special needs. Intellectual and developmental disabilities. Cognitively challenged.

Words change the way we think.

Everyone knows someone who is challenged in some way -- who has autism or cancer, who is head-injured or depressed, who has war wounds, who is old -- people who need extra time or help or support to get along in the world.

And in our world today, we assist these people. We -- most of us -- do not mock them.

There are exceptions.

On the Internet, when you Google "retarded" up comes a picture of a boy with Down syndrome. He has dark hair and a big smile and he's running a race, his feet in the air, his arms out straight as if he is flying. The picture is sweet. The boy looks happy. But the words on the picture are toxic: "Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded."

The word is a throwback and a setback. It's insulting, demeaning, and hurtful, and it is all over the place.

Legislation to change the name of the Department of Mental Retardation has been filed, and Commissioner Gerald Morrissey supports it.

"This is an issue about dignity and respect," he says. "About all citizens of the Commonwealth being treated with respect."

Call it a euphemism. Call it political correctness. Call it superfluous, getting rid of a word.

Call it whatever you want. Just don't call it the Department of Mental Retardation anymore.

Canton resident Beverly Beckham can be reached at bbeckham@globe.com.
© Copyright 2007 Globe Newspaper Company.
My advice, love your kid, and shrug it off.

The SOG knife company is now marketing a product called "Bi-Polar." My wife is a tall blonde--if she makes any type of mistake someone mentions it's because she's blonde.

There's a time to fight. If you felt your child was being excluded from participating or denied enumerated rights, then that's the time to fight like a cornered badger. I never let some ignorant observer try to limit the bounderies of my life.

Then go have a cold beer.

They locked the thread, probably for all of the wrong reasons, but it was a response. And we have to keep reminding ourselves a forum is private property. I'm on a "vacation" right now.
Thoughtless, perhaps. Don't think I saw any "hate," though.


Parent of an autistic child.

PS: While I might be offended should someone call my child "retarded" (I would regard that person as ignorant rather than hateful, as a rule), I would not be offended if someone used the word in reference to something stupid I said. Call me crazy.
What's funny is that I rarely see the word applied to people but often see it applied to ideas.

There's many members here who know or have friends or family with developmental issues, and their feelings will be hurt and their day less bright because of your ignorance.

I'm one of those members. And the thread didn't bother me in the least. So please, as you go around policing threads to insure that sensibilities aren't damaged, understand that you don't speak for everyone. Some of us are emotionally secure enough not to be damaged by words that are within the scope of acceptable usage.
I'm not seeing any hateful speech in that thread.

jabotinsky, folks who go around looking for problems, almost always find them.
Get a DD From ID10T Hurt Feelings Report, fill it out in duplicate and triplicate, seal it in an envelope with a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope included, and put it where the sun don't shine. Geez, people are so sensitive it hurts. Good thing for the true tyrants that so many people are worried about racism and sexism rather than the fact that they are being robbed on a daily basis by corrupt elitists who profit from both sides of every war based on sex, race, and religion.
Is a TFL Moderator Defending Hateful Speech?

How can I put this succintly....NO

Does the OP have an ulterior motive that lacks any and all substance? Ummmm...well.....YES

My advice is if you can't understand the expaination of the context of how the word was used, get help...professional help.
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