Picked the USP up for $800.00, the Insight M6x illuminator/laser for $75.00 (Killer deal from gunbroker...) and the Knight's Armament OHG suppressor for the not-so-great price of 1400.00. In my defense, the KAC suppressor is all stainless steel and tuned specifically to the USP Tactical.
The grand total comes to 2475.00 tax stamp included; a little more for some shipping and ffl transfer fees. (don't even ask what my Mark 23, Insight 1450 and KAC OHG suppressor cost.
If you want a suppressor, find a class III dealer with suppressors IN STOCK. If you find a good dealer, they'll help you with your forms, finger prints, passport pics and documentation. You have to have a serial number to even start the paper work. That is why you want a stocking dealer. Otherwise, you have to wait until he gets the suppressor from the manufacturer to even start the form 4. That can add as much as two months to the wait.
After your paperwork is filled out and you have attached your passport photos to both copies of the form 4, take both copies to your CLEO (chief law enforcement officer). He/she will need to sign them. After the CLEO signoff, send the form 4s, the finger prints (both cards) and the two hundred dollar check written to the BATF to the addy your class III dealer gives you and wait 90-ish days for the tax stamped form 4 to be returned.
If you are like me, you will have forgotten all about the suppressor by the time you get the call from your dealer. Now drive over and pick up your new suppressor, screw it onto your host (gun) and begin a whole new shooting experience.
It's a hassle. Worth it.