Is a rebellion a protest with guns?

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New member
The Wall Street protests has me wondering: How far are we from armed protests?

We still have a vote in government, but how does that matter in a corrupt system where special interest trumps voter's interests?

You can arm yourself against intruders and assailants, but at what point do your firearms become relevant in a changing nation?
no one ever knows until after, or the ones that do just had better insight. french rebellion as an example: the queen didn't see it coming. she was even surprised when she didn't have royalty passage when they brought her to the guilotine(spelling?), she was passaged in an open carriage in front of everyone.

these people want to be heard, but sadly it doesn't seem like people are listening enough(yet) or at least enough. Of course the louder they get, some will try to discipline this "mob" as one congressman said.
I think it is still a ways off. There is a lot of anger in the country but I think a violent takeover attempt is still a ways off.
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