Is a .454, .475 Linebaugh, .510 Maximum powerful enough for hogs?


Anybody shot hogs with the 454, .475, or 510 Linebaugh Maximum?
What kind of results, what loads, and bullets used, and what size animals?


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I sure wouldnt use a .22 on hogs. No offense but that would be foolish. All of your 3 choices have enough power. Here is a factory load ballistics chart including the 3 calibers you are thinking of.
.500 S&W 440-gr. Hardcast 1,625 2,580
.500 S&W 400-gr. Hawk SP 1,675 2,500
.500 S&W 275-gr. Barnes X 1,665 1,688
.500 Linebaugh 440-gr. Buffalo Bore WFN 1,300 1,650
.50 AE 325-gr. Speer GD 1,400 1,414
.480 Ruger 325-gr. Hornady JHP 1,350 1,315
.475 Linebaugh 400-gr. JFN 1,400 1,740
.454 Casull 300-gr. Hornady JXTP 1,650 1,831
.445 SuperMag .300-gr. Hornady XTP 1,501 1,652
I have never used any of those on a hog, but I have used a .44 mag to take several hogs. Works like magic. See hog, aim at forehead or behind shoulder, squeeze trigger, get to work.

Just don't use hollow point ammo and any of the hand cannons will work fine.
Sources I have say a .500 JRH, 440 grain bullet, @ 1000 fps, will go end to end, in a 500 pound hog. I was trying to get confirmation. I currently have 440's at 1350 fps in my SA .510 Maximum.
Good defense loads???:D

You are joking, are you not?

Hogs much be must tougher critters elsewhere than they are here.

I do feel that they are tougher to kill than deer, but they are not hard to kill. I have killed a hog with my Ruger SP101 357 with 145 Winchester Silver tips and gasp it only took 1 shot.

The guns you mention have more than enough power to kill a hog if you do your part.

When I was in high school, I had a part time job at a processing farm. We would pop lots of hogs with a .22 rimfire handgun......yup! Right in the ear. These hogs usually weighed right at 350lbs. So a .22 rimfire works for hogs. Would I use a .22 rimfire in the woods for a hog? Truely NOT!

Normally do hog hunts with a T/C 357Maximum 12" barrelled handgun. Seems very adequate with my reloads. If you want to hunt big hogs, do so with big ammo.....especially if your going to be crawling around on the ground with thick brush for them. I prefer to hunt in the open, as I only get to fire one round, and a "follow-up" round takes about two seconds to chamber......that's two seconds to long with a mad hog!

Scott B
I've had great luck on hogs close in w/ a 357 mag loaded w/ 125 jhp's. At short range it will literaly make their eyes pop out of their sockets when you hit 'em square in the head:eek: yeah, it really looks something like that....:D
[When I was in high school, I had a part time job at a processing farm. We would pop lots of hogs with a .22 rimfire handgun......yup! Right in the ear. These hogs usually weighed right at 350lbs. So a .22 rimfire works for hogs. Would I use a .22 rimfire in the woods for a hog? Truely NOT!
Yeah I could see using a .22 in that kind of controlled situation. But since we are on the Hunt forum I assumed the other gentalman was talking about hunting wild hogs with a .22. I think we can agree that this would not be a good idea.:eek:
I like Socrates choices much better ;)

Wow, I am pretty sure that something that is plenty enough for bears, should take a boar. I had a buddy take one with his AR-15. (55 grain!)

Wow, I am pretty sure that something that is plenty enough for bears, should take a boar. I had a buddy take one with his AR-15. (55 grain!)
.22 isn't crazt

At the military base here in Missouri, that has lots of hogs, they allow civillians to hunt hogs, but only with rimfire rifles... 22 and 22 mag has killed lots and lots of hogs here.
22 +1 (edited to add that it can really be done, but probably isn't the wisest method)

I used to work for a farmer when I was in school. Sometimes pigs got out and grew up wild. If they got too big to be safe to catch he'd send out his son with a .22 to shoot them. I've seen some pretty big ones killed with no problem at all. Never shot one myself but I had to help carry them out of the woods.

Also, sometimes he'd sell a hog to one of the neighbors instead of selling it at the sale barn. For a price he'd have it killed and buchered there on the farm. Used the same .22 just like sdb777's experiance, but he had them shot in the top of the head.

For a wall hanger I got a Cold Steel Boar Spear not too long ago. Looks great by the mantle.
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There was a similiar post a few month back about killing an elephant with a 22 (newbie with no idea of calibers) and then their was the infamous post about a guy in Colo. scaring away a mt. lion with his pellet gun everytime it went after the pets. Both posts eventually became flaming sessions. Truth is you could kill a hog or elephant for that matter with a pointy stick (that's what the natives used for thousands of years), but who would want to? It is right up there with playing russian roulet with an automatic. :eek:

Yes I too have had the experience of killing hogs on a farm with a 22 (mine was a contraption that fired a 22 blank which propelled a blunt steel shaft into the head, the steel shaft would then cause massive brain trauma and the animal would die instantly)but this was when pressed against the head when we were prepping them for sausage and they were in pens or shoots and could not run at us. Would I take a 22 to hunt hugs, NO!! The calibers that the origianl post mentioned are plenty enough for hogs. I have used everything from .38 special to 45/70 on then (I always carry a 38 snub nose when hiking and I came across a sow and her piglets one time, she charged I unloaded all the chambers into her and ran!!!! she died after about a 20 yard rush. I would never take .38 hog hunting, but it worked.) I like a nice lever action carbine/guide gun in 30/30 or 45/70 for brush hunting hogs or deer and the follow up shots are as fast as an auto.

Happy hunting and please leave the 22 for rabbits/squirrels and ground hogs (not ferral hogs).
I have killed nemorus hogs at 35-50 yards with a .22 right in the fore head. There is no reason to spend that much money on guns and rounds, pick you up a .243win, .22-.250rem, .270win, any of these calibers are very suffecent to effectivaly take down a hog.