Is .22 conversion kit considered a gun?


I just recently got my CCW in New York and was considering buying a Kimber
.22 conversion kit for my 1911. Am I right in assuming that this is not in itself considered a gun and therefore would not need to be listed on my permit? I also assume that I could buy one online and have it shipped directly to me without having to go through FFL. Can any fellow New Yorkers confirm this for me?
Your assumption is correct. The "handgun" is the serial numbered portion of the gun and that's what has to be listed on the permit and purchased from an FFL. On the 1911, like most semi-autos the serial numbered part is the frame. All the bits and pieces attached to the frame can be purchased without an FFL. If you don't already have copies go to Brownell's and Midway USA and request their catalogs. They both have page after page of aftermarket parts for your 1911 that will help keep your wallet empty for a long time.:)

Note: I had my NY permit when I lived there. Everything about it was a PITA. Now I'm in KS and getting the permit here (shall issue) was a breeze and I can go to the store, buy a new hangun, and walk out the door with it. No need to have it added to the permit. If you haven't already consider joining one of the 2A groups in NY that are working to protect and expand what few gun rights you have left in that nightmare of a state. SCOPE NY is a good one.
Apparently NYS considers a .22 conversion kit to be a deadly weapon. I tried to order one from an online retailer and was told that they couldn't ship to New York State.:mad::confused:
That's a retailer choice. They are completely unregulated in NY (outside NYC at least)

you can buy entire uppers, replacement and/or conversion barrels in any caliber.

As stated above, it is only the frame that is controlled.
i live in ny

i am not a lawyer so take this for what it is worth

my county's pistol clerk said that all barrels should be
registered....(added to our carry license, which lists all our
hand guns)

this would go for a thompson contender barrel or a 22 conversion could buy it, but the seller would have to ship to your
local friendly ffl, who would do the transfer, just as if it was a
whole gun

why err on the side of being illegal...check with someone in
the know in your county.....
my county's pistol clerk said that all barrels should be
registered....(added to our carry license, which lists all our
hand guns)

Just how exactly would you "register" a barrel? I have three barrels for my Glock 33. One has ZERO markings of any kind, one has a picture of a wolf and the stock barrel has the guns serial number on it. I doubt they're going to list "barrel with picture of wolf" and "shiny barrel with no markings" on my pistol permit.

Barrels are not regulated, uppers are not regulated....

Take a look in the SprtsmansGuide catalog. The thing is choke full of items that are completely legal and unregulated in NY state that they WILL NOT ship to NY. Why? Scared of the lawyers I guess.

If you want the 22 conversion and the retailer won't ship it then find one who will.

You also have to pay attention to the EXACT words used by these bureaucrats. The county health inspector says all kinds of things when he inspects my shop too. He starts his sentences with things like "I'd like to see...", "You should...." or "You have to...." The first two are "optional", personal preference on his part, the last one "You have to...." is health code that must be followed.

The is one caveat, however, if the kit comes with a magazine that holds 10 rounds or more then it cannot be shipped to NY.
Just called Kimber directly, because I was dying of curiosity to hear what they'd have to say.... short story, it is an "accessory", a "non-serialized part" and therefore unrestricted.

You can order directly from their website, BTW. The only downside is that they're actually located in NY state (Yonkers, I believe) so you have to pay sales tax.
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