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Irritated with TFL

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Jon Garner

Anyone else had problems recently with posting? I tried to post some ammo for sale that I got in a trade and got it deleted - thought I omitted the location. Then I noticed my post count was only 11 - used to be many more - and can not get any help or explanation - Mr. Tuttle simply says read the rules and you will see what you need to do to qualify (which I had done years ago). I have not the greatest memory but have enjoyed posting on and reading the firing line for years (member since 05) and do believe this is a great place to promote firearm ownership and responsible gunning in general. I guess I am a little angry for being treated this way and need to know if this is the norm lately - it never used to be or am I way out in left field here - jb

PS - I guess I can post again at least in this forum. And I will probably get banned for this one...
If all your other post were in the classified sections before they prolly got deleted since they don't count post in those sections anymore. Best thing I could see to do is start posting in the other sections and pretty soon you'll have the required 25 posts.

And you're right it didn't used to be this way but like they "things are a changin'".
Fast changin for sure

Thanks Hoyt -
You are right about that - changin I mean - guess as I get older I find it harder and harder to tolerate. Wonder what age I have to be before I say "no more" - probably can't pull that one off though in today's fast changing atmosphere - just more intolerable. jb:cool:
Sorry you can't comprehend the rules that are plastered all over the Gun Show and not telling the whole story as well. I provided a detailed explanation as to the why's and therefores of the post count you have. If you can't comprehend my detailed explanation I suggest you take this up with me in PM. Posting only a portion of the story in public regarding the matter and then thinking you can crank up a thread to gripe about your "mistreatment" isn't going to set well with me or others that have abided by the rules. That's disrespectful at the very least.
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Half truth - please pm

I did not post a half-truth about anything - It was not clear - please pm me - Jon Garner
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My Apologies

Mr Tuttle - I apologize if I stated something you interpreted as a half-truth, not my intention - and as for as TFL - I can live without it and you will probably be glad to be rid of me - if you can find a way to cancel my membership please do - Jon Garner
NRA member
Viet Nam era Vet
Maximum security Prison Nurse
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Okay, so now you want to take it to PM.

A piece of advice Jon Garner, if you don't get the explanation you think you should, you can always PM a different Moderator. But to bring your complaint in the open about your treatment here, naming the Moderator who wronged you, THEN duck to PM for cover is very bad form.

I suggest you not do that again. In the meantime you and Tuttle8 can solve this in private.

This one is closed.
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