IRR call up


I got notified today that i may have to put the uniform on again.
I left the army in 2000 but have re-upped independent ready reserve x2.
the last time i deployed was at the start of the afghan fiasco.
I'm an 04, 61H assigned to a combat support hospital unit.
last time i went overseas it was with the issue baretta, but some guys carried a 45 "unofficially"
anyone been called up lately and can tell me if i can carry a backup (45) w/o getting too much flak?
i'm sure if i ask for the "official" ruling..........
i just need to know whats tolerated in this "war"
BTW; please, if you havent "been there, done that", dont guess about it.
I ain't been there or done that over in the sandbox. My son just got out a bit ago and works at Fort Riley. According to him the only way you can get a personal firearm in country is have it listed and carried as company property. if you smuggle it over you will not get to bring it back. Some outfits will do this others will not. I would suggest as soon as you get set, ask your Sargent Major. You will no doubt need his help to suck up to the brass anyway. Now if your an officer things might be different.

edit. did you say your an O4? as in mid ranked officer?

IRR call up
I got notified today that i may have to put the uniform on again.
I left the army in 2000 but have re-upped independent ready reserve x2.
the last time i deployed was at the start of the afghan fiasco.
I'm an 04, 61H assigned to a combat support hospital unit.
last time i went overseas it was with the issue baretta, but some guys carried a 45 "unofficially"
anyone been called up lately and can tell me if i can carry a backup (45) w/o getting too much flak?
i'm sure if i ask for the "official" ruling..........
i just need to know whats tolerated in this "war"
BTW; please, if you havent "been there, done that", dont guess about it.
tplumeri is offline Report Post
I got back from Afghanistan in late March of '08, deploying with an infantry battalion of the Arizona Guard. We were clearly, explicitly and repeatedly told that we were not to bring any personal firearms into theater. As I understand CENTCOM General Order #1, possession of a personal firearm in theater is punishable by UCMJ action under Article 92.

If you do find a way to get a personal pistol into theater, good luck getting .45ACP ammo over there. We occasionally had a hard time getting 9mm and 5.56mm, never mind something obscure (in the supply system) like .45ACP. Then again, we were just plain old line infantry, not secret squirrels, and thus rather low on the totem pole.
I got notified today that i may have to put the uniform on again.
I left the army in 2000 but have re-upped independent ready reserve x2.
the last time i deployed was at the start of the afghan fiasco.
I'm an 04, 61H assigned to a combat support hospital unit.
last time i went overseas it was with the issue baretta, but some guys carried a 45 "unofficially"
anyone been called up lately and can tell me if i can carry a backup (45) w/o getting too much flak?
i'm sure if i ask for the "official" ruling..........
i just need to know whats tolerated in this "war"

If you don't support the war in Afghanistan, you shouldn't be going there. The last thing that our brave fighting men that are risking their lives need is some malcontent among them to lower their morale. I certainly hope that you don't speak like this to your fellow soldiers while you are serving in uniform.

You made a decision to re-up. Not once, but twice. Did you think that you would only have to possibly deploy to conflicts that you personally approved of?

BTW; please, if you havent "been there, done that", dont guess about it.

I guess you must believe in a sort of fascist type of military dictatorship, where people are unable to express their opinions?? What an absolute cop out by you, your comment is.

Do you somehow think that you have a right to say whatever you want, without having to face any sort of criticism of any kind? Sorry, but no one has such a right in an open and free democratic society.

That is supposed to be what our military is helping to protect.

If you don't support the war in Afghanistan, you shouldn't be going there. The last thing that our brave fighting men that are risking their lives need is some malcontent among them to lower their morale. I certainly hope that you don't speak like this to your fellow soldiers while you are serving in uniform.

You made a decision to re-up. Not once, but twice. Did you think that you would only have to possibly deploy to conflicts that you personally approved of?

You know, it's just possible he put the word "war" in quotes not as a pro/con position on it, but merely to indicate that as far as wars go, this one certainly ain't typical.

I would suggest you get clarification before unloading on him.

I guess you must believe in a sort of fascist type of military dictatorship, where people are unable to express their opinions?? What an absolute cop out by you, your comment is.

Do you somehow think that you have a right to say whatever you want, without having to face any sort of criticism of any kind? Sorry, but no one has such a right in an open and free democratic society.

That is supposed to be what our military is helping to protect.

Again, he is asking for the opinion of someone that has done it or seen it personally instead of speculation. What is being asked for is a bending of the military rules, so not exactly that much to ask for. Anyone can voice an opinion, but very few of those opinions will be of value.

I'm all for the fascist/dictatorship comments and what not. I just think that you need to click off from full auto to semi auto and use a scope instead of spraying into a crowd.
If you don't support the war in Afghanistan, you shouldn't be going there. The last thing that our brave fighting men that are risking their lives need is some malcontent among them to lower their morale.

reread my post. Ive already been in Afghan! this time its Iraq.
I am a major (promotable). even you must know you dont get there being a "malcontent". I dont have to approve of the conflict, I am a US Army officer. I do my job to the best of my ability.

I guess you must believe in a sort of fascist type of military dictatorship, where people are unable to express their opinions?? What an absolute cop out by you, your comment is.

youre free to express any opinion you want. i wasnt asking for opinions. i was asking for information.
when was the last time you had a uniform on? and im not talking about burger king.
If you don't support the war in Afghanistan, you shouldn't be going there. The last thing that our brave fighting men that are risking their lives need is some malcontent among them to lower their morale. I certainly hope that you don't speak like this to your fellow soldiers while you are serving in uniform.

Cripes. Did we even read the same post?

I left Afghanistan three months ago, and it pretty much is a fiasco. We, the only superpower remaining on the planet, have been reduced to begging, hat-in-hand, our NATO allies for troops, air assets, and various other war materiel. I once personally had to issue British 5.56mm ammo to some of our guys because we couldn't get any American ammo on short notice. We don't have enough helicopters or fighting vehicles, and we certainly don't have enough troops. Casualty levels in Afghanistan have now surpassed Iraq.

Neither Afganistan nor Iraq is a "war" in the conventional sense. Both are open-ended counterinsurgency operations, for which the American military was originally poorly equipped and poorly trained.

I am not a malcontent, and neither is the major. But we've seen this with our own eyes, and not just through the lens of a bunch of cheering conservative talk show hosts.

Did you think that you would only have to possibly deploy to conflicts that you personally approved of?

I re-upped, too, though I won't do so again. Nonetheless, if ordered to Iraq - a "war" I personally oppose - I would certainly obey my orders. My approval or disapproval is irrelevant, while my oath is completely relevant. But while I wear the uniform for the next few months, I do what I am told.

I guess you must believe in a sort of fascist type of military dictatorship, where people are unable to express their opinions?? What an absolute cop out by you, your comment is.

I have read all sorts of crap posted on various gun forums about what is supposedly happening in the Middle East. A large portion of it is exactly that: crap. The major is looking for info based on observed reality, not conjecture or, more commonly, what gun people want to believe is happening in the Middle East.

As an example, until I deployed, I almost believed that every soldier in theater was screaming for a 1911 and an M14, and that M9s and M4s were total POSs that no one wanted to carry. It turned out to be mainly crap promulgated by gun magazines to increase sales, and on gun forums by shooters biased toward old-technology guns.

So perhaps you can understand why some of us take with a grain of salt the info offered up by people who have never been in theater. :rolleyes:
Lance, do you have ANY idea what you're talking about? You make some wild and incorrect accusations. I generally stay away from personal attacks from behind a keyboard, but I can only hope that you become better informed or much more quiet.

Sir, good luck on your deployment.
No, you can't take any personal weapons.

I've been on six deployments between Afghanistan, Iraq and a couple others and only supported half of them.....but it's part of the job, ya gotta do it. Good luck
thanks for all the help/ support!
I think the majority of folks dont realize that IRR has no pay or benefits until youre activated! I give the US Army a 5 year commitment to serve, if needed. thats my way of giving something back to this great country.
(when i get called up i take a 60% pay cut!)
anyway, talked to 1st sarge; he says i could ship a gun over with the company as "medical supplies" and as long as i didnt "advertise" it wouldnt be a problem. BUT, cant ship any ammo!
I have no need for a colt paperweight!:)
thanks again
As I am sure many have already said, you cannot officially carry any firearm except for the standard issue. Doing so is a very serious court martial offense. That isn't to say it isn't done. At one time, I myself carried a Beretta m92 that belonged to my grandfather in my holster instead of the beat up m9 they issued me. Since the guns are so similar no one ever really noticed.

Good luck. I am so glad that I am way beyond recall now. I would not want to be involved in this administration's profit war.