Irony in the Denver Post

Ron S

New member
Front page has a headline saying how they won a "big victory" in getting the full and semi automatic assault weapons ban to stick. Then on page two..."man may die in car jacking", reading on you see that he was shot with an AK-47, may lose his leg, may die. Man, I have to say that I feel so much safer knowing that I can't buy an AK-47, don't you?
Like, wow, dood, you must be in a truly crappy neighborhood.

FWIW, anyone do a reality test on how many carjackings in and about Denver have been done with AK's?? I mean beyond a sample of one. After all, it's a bit hard to sneak up on some one (evenin traffic) with a rifle. In DC the weapon of choice is some kind of handgun (often a cheapie, tho some of the local 'crews' are partial to Glocks).

These people remind me of a lot of over-priced management consultants I have worked with. They seem to think that just because you have something on paper (a plan, a law), that that makes it so. A couple other truisms apply: 1)All things are posssible to he/she who doesn't have to do the work; and 2) any time some one says "all you've gotta do is . . . " means they don't understand the task at hand and have no intention of doing the work. There's always a huge gap between planning and implementing.

Arrrrg. M2