Irony: Hillary attacks Obama for being weak on Second Amendment

Hypocrisy of the Week

Friday, December 14, 2007

During an election year, it’s common to see political contenders pulling out all of the rhetorical stops in an attempt to distinguish themselves as the “candidate of choice” for their constituency. Unfortunately, they often test the limits of credulity in the process.

Such is the case for Hillary Clinton, who, in her zeal to discredit Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) on the gun issue for her own presumed political gain, has apparently either abandoned her long-held anti-gun position, or has conveniently developed a case of political amnesia.

The “Other Clinton” recently issued a press release assailing Obama for his past support of “banning all handguns,” citing his position as one reason to “raise serious questions about his electability.” What’s that, Mrs. Clinton? Obama’s anti-gun position should serve as a basis to preclude his candidacy? To the long list of names one might be inclined to call Hillary, we can add another: Hypocrite.
It wouldn't be the first time Mrs. Clinton developed amnesia. Whitewater, missing FBI files, Iraq war, etc. etc.
I wonder if she has any idea how many gun sales she's responsible for so far.
Funny that Obama was not accused of being a Saul Alinsky follower who worked to spread Marxism. That would also be the pot calling the kettle black. Hillary also has the credentials of doing a law school summer internship for the law firm of Robert Treuhaft, former lawyer for Communist Party USA. None of this is likely to make the news though.

On Hillary and Obama:
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Yes and no - if there's one thing she learned from her husband's career (and her involvement in it), it's that the public's memory is only about as long as the last 2 or 3 media spin/smear blitz campaigns in your favor, which gloss over your about-faces on issues.
I will believe Hillary when I see her on the firing line at the Knob Creek machine gun shoot. Hillary with an AK47 in her hands. If that doesn't scare you then you are truly fearless.:D
I like it!

That's what they should do for a smoke and mirrors routine, a la John Kerry hunting quail: Load up two cars with tannerite at 1,000 yards at Knob Creek, give Hillary and Obama each a Ma Duece full auto, hit the buzzer, and whichever one blows their car up first gets all the gun group endorsements for their primary. :)
All along.

Like I've said for years, the woman is bat-s**t crazy.

I can't believe, given some of the legislation she's supported in the past, that she's done a complete 180 on any facet of gun control.

I wonder how this will affect her support from the many anti-gun agencies that help finance her campaign? I think she may have to do some interesting dancing now that she's decided to straddle the fence instead of picking a side.

On the bright side, they've both had lot's of negative drama lately to demonstrate their true character in both public and private.

I'm still certain one of them will get the Dems' official nomination, but I wonder how the actual election will look if they keep up their current craziness.
Anti-gun Bills Hillary Clinton Cosponsored:

S. 368: Massively expand federal funding and control of local law enforcement. 110th congress

S. 456: Treat firearms offenses as though they were Mafia or gang-releated crimes. 110th congress

S. 527: Redefine more handgun ammunition as "armor piercing". 109th congress

S. 578: FBI to maintain gun sales records of persons on "watch lists" for 10 years. 109th congress

S. 620: Reinstate the expired ban on semi-automatic firearms and magazines. 109th congress

S. 645: Semi-auto ban plus a ban on some youth sportshooting competitions. 109th congress

S. 935: Fifty-caliber ban. 109th congress

S. 22: Omnibus gun control: gun show ban, lifetime juvenile offender ban, FBI record-keeping, much more. 108th congress

S. 448: Huge bill including a magazine ban, gun show ban, mandatory trigger locks, one-handgun-a-month, etc. 108th congress

S. 1034: Semi-auto ban reauthorization. 108th congress

S. 1431: Vastly expanded semi-auto ban reauthorization (more guns banned plus other anti-gun provisions). 108th congress

S. 1774: Permanently ban polymer-framed (so-called "plastic") firearms. 108th congress

S. 1807: Gun show ban. 108th congress

S. 1882: FBI to maintain gun sales records of persons on "watch lists". 108th congress

S. 1983: National ballistic registry of all new fireams, plus increased BATF power and funding. 108th congress

S. 2109: Ten-year extension of the semi-auto ban then in effect. 108th congress

S. 16: "Crime bill" including: gun show ban, lifetime juvenile offender ban, FBI record-keeping, much more. 107th congress

S. 767: Gun show ban. 107th congress

S. 924: Expand federal police power, specifically the federal government's role in "firearms-related incidents." 107th congress

S. 940: Gun show ban included in a large education bill. 107th congress

S. 1253: Register lawful gun buyers for a minimum of 90 days. 107th congress

S. 1788: Audit background check information; make it available for both criminal and civil inquiries. 107th congress
My $0.02: Hillary will say or do anything she can get away with in order to amass and consolidate her political and personal power and impose her skewed vision on this country regardless of destructive consequences. Anything she says must be interpreted in terms of serving her own drive to power. In any other terms she is utterly untrustworthy.
Hillary Clinton is, without a doubt, the most dishonest politician I've ever seen in my life.

What about her husband, who recently said he was against Iraq from the beginning, notwithstanding his prior statements supporting Bush's actions?

The Clintons are chameleons. They will say anything required at the moment to get power.
Both are bad for us

Both of them are bad news for gun owners as well as most of the republican frontrunners. Honestly this year I see very little differences on most of my major issues among the top tier Dems or Republicans. I am tried of picking lesser of 2 very similar evils. I see everyone always focusing on Hillary (who is bad), but Obama is just as bad or worst on gun control. Just look it up. I hope if Obama is ran for Dems us gun owners will be just as much resistance to him.
Actually it makes twisted sense

She was questioning his electability because he supported a measure to ban handguns, right?

Makes sense to me. Based on her past works and stated political positions, it is highly likely that she feels that anyone who only supported banning handguns should not be elected.

Even though Obama has stated he is also against assault weapons (as if he has any clue what they actually are), Hillary is just trying to do the same old song and dance, and fortunately for us, it seems more and more of the country doesn't care for the tune any more.