Ironies of Kosovo


New member
Wanted to share a few things rattling around in my noggin that seems really ironic re: Bill Clinton and our involvement in Kosovo.

Bill Clinton has tried to assure the American people that Kosovo is not going to become another Vietnam. The same way he tried to explain how sex wasn't really sex? I guess that depends what his definition of "is" is. Good luck here, Bill.

General Wesley Clark, the American Army officer serving as the Supreme
Allied Commander of NATO forces, when asked about pictures of the
captured soldiers: "We've all seen their pictures. We don't like it. We
don't like the way they're treated. And we have a long memory about
these kinds of things." I hope he speaks for himself, and not an
administration whose First Couple can't remember how many gifts were
exchanged with an intern, the number of times they met for sex, what
he told his personal secretary, whether or not he asked Vernon Jordan
to find an intern a job, where Vince Foster's personal records were, how
FBI files found their way to a table in the White House Library, who was
assigned which cases at the Rose Law Firm, where her billing records
went off to, any part of any conversation held between himself and his
Commerce Secretary about Chinese campaign contributions before said
Commerce Secretary's somewhat mysterious death, exactly why they
thought the entire Travel Office needed to be fired to make way for their
own personal friends, and any number of other things that can be
expediently "forgotten" to curtail judicial investigations, Senate reviews,
and grand jury hearings. I hope Bill Clinton isn't including himself in this
royal "we".

We're being told by a President who was impeached for perjury, a draft
dodger, a pot smoker, a liar, a sexual deviant, a possible rapist, whose
personal friends, family, and Cabinet members are now and have been
under investigation for a myriad of charges, that the commitment of our
troops in Kosovo is a "moral" imperative. This is the LAST person I want
trying to define any sort of moral reponsibility or justification.

I think I'm done for a while here. Feel free to add any others you may
think of.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.

[This message has been edited by DonL (edited April 03, 1999).]
You have stated exactly what has been gnawing at me. When I heard the word "moral" come from him I felt sick.
If I could add a few thoughts to my bro's post. He asked for any thoughts on the ironies of what's going on in other parts of the globe. Sorry for the length.

Part of my thinking was spurred by a trivia question this week. This year was the first time since 1914 that we've had 2 blue moons in one year. Two in January, no full moon in February, and two in March. The last time this happened, Arch-duke Ferdinand was killed in Sarjevo, starting WW1, the war to end all wars. WW1 pitted the allies of Austria, France, England AND Russia against Germany. It wasn't until about 3 years that the US got involved. You can only sink so many of our US ships until we get really pi$$ed off. Germany supposedly gets Lenin to go to Moscow, shake things up, and get Russia to go home. US swoops in and saves the day. When Europe was divied up and the treaty signed in France, an unknown named Ho Chi Mihn tried to meet Pres. Wilson. Only decades later, he, along with allies Russia and China, were trying to get rid of all US involvement in his part of the world. Hell, it wasn't until the last of the Russia troops went home after the Berlin wall fell that WW1 finally ended, what with the turmoil and jockeying for position that went on since 1918. Now, Bubba thinks that we can send tons of ordinance raining down to protect civilians and the democratic way of life, and be home for dinner?

Time and again, the US has gotten involved with troubled objectives, left early with unresolved outcomes only to find itself spinning it's wheels in the proverbial quagmire.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

PS- I hope my facts are right, it's been a long time since history class. The opinions stated herein do not necessarily reflect the thoughts and opinions of the site or its sponsors. Soapbox mode off.

Detroit Area Chapter
Terra Haute Torque and Recoil Society.