Iraq's second amendment


New member
I was watching CNN while eating, the big screen at the chow hall is, unfortunately, one of my few sources of news, aside from the forums I'm on.

Anyway, I was listening to them talk about the new government over there, and the constitution that will be written soon, etc. etc. It got me thinking, and I came up with the crazy idea of writing one of the guys that'll be at the constitutional convention over there, and urging him to make sure that Iraq has the right to keep and bear arms clearly written in the constitution, such that infringement is much more difficult than over here. As an aside, I was thinking later to tell him/her to ensure that other clauses are clear too. We have enough trouble with people misinterpreting ours, I wouldn't want them to have the same trouble, or even go without one, like many countries do.

What do you guys think? This'll be cross-posted to THR,, and Livejournal, too.
Considering the prevalence of weapons over there, I don't see them disarming th e populous very soon. As is the record in the UK and Australia where guns are 'banned', violent crime actually goes up.
Fine idea--but don't hold your breath.

Then again some laws go unwritten. The Iraqis have learned the need for self-defense and the meaning of tyranny better than most of us. I'll bet most of them have something stashed away.

Isn't is funny, people actually believe that if you outlaw guns that violence will go away??? Wrong!
Then again some laws go unwritten. The Iraqis have learned the need for self-defense and the meaning of tyranny better than most of us.

The generation of the Founders knew this lesson, too. Now that a few generations have come and gone, we have trouble remembering even though it is written in our foundation documents. Write it down, no willy-washy statements, no justifications, no limitations. Just make it plain and simple: "The citizens of Iraq have the right to own, possess and use any weapon in current or past use by the military of any country in the world."

Think that might be a little harder to spin than what we have?

Like Jay Lenno said, why not just let Iraq use our constitution? It was written by a bunch of real smart guys and WE'RE not using it anymore!
ArmedandSafe - AMEN - well said! But as someone else said, don't hold your breath either.

-If it ain't written into the constitution, it WILL BE infringed (the RKBA), eventually.

-Even if it IS written in the constitution (as it is in the USA), it will STILL BE infringed if the supreme court of the land refuses to rule on it, AND/OR if it's written in an ambiguous or less-than-perfectly-clear manner.