My brother has gotten into 1903s. His are more or less what you would call re-production as he is assembly them into a period correct guns but not with original components.
What has really come of it is that there are almost no correct guns, as unlike the civie side, the military re-built and repaired as needed.
Upshot is that a mismatches gun with a pedigree is actually "correct" and the pristine ones are anomalies.
We have seen where historians are moving out of the purity thing and into reality of what was (context based) . History and military weapons are an anomaly in that regard as they did not fight with pure versions. A pure version never saw battle and is not correct.
Upshot (pun) is that I think the value of the guns will increase for those that exhibit what was normal.
I picked up a 20s era 1903 from my step dad, it had original drilling and tapping on it for a Winchester scope, receiver and barrel are date correct, bolt is not, floor plate is not (and put in a sporter stock). There is a story there. I love those guns with stories.
All good stuff.